simba's latest activity

  • simba
    simba reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    here is my vapman family photo ... small collection compared to some but enough for me (for now lol) EDIT: for those asking about...
  • simba
    simba reacted to budweis's post in the thread Vapman with Haha Haha.
    It was quite a difficult end of the year workwise so Christmas came early for me. First time I've seen a yew Vapman in here I knew I...
  • simba
    simba reacted to TedJones's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    First time using a Vapman :o Always been curious why this little thing is ever so popular. Now I know after some initial testing! What a...
  • simba
    simba reacted to Seantagon's post in the thread Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie with Like Like.
    Mag sinks finally back in stock. Still on sale for $10...
  • simba
    simba replied to the thread Discontinued Firefly 1, 2, 2+.
    Maybe at 50ish it would be a reasonable buy, but I wouldn't want to drop 100 on it.
  • simba
    simba reacted to Dejavu's post in the thread The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie with Like Like.
    zirc seem good to me! Jeez this thing ripped. I wasn't heating it up enough at all. Wow just such cool and smooth vapor, flavor...never...
  • simba
    simba reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    i just received a swiss made pear vapman that has never been used! i think i’m gonna back off from getting more vapmans for awhile!
  • simba
    simba reacted to Doktor Dub's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Have a look at - they are located right in Berlin an carry all the Vapman stuff. Great Store online and physical in...
  • simba
    simba reacted to Hagbard's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    there u go.. these are mine. a bit dark but lovely!
  • simba
    simba reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    Greetings Everyone, This is my Cocobolo made by Rene Balli and the Mouth Piece is made by EDTNT...Cocobolo as well. It is a gorgeous...
  • simba
    simba reacted to lazy's post in the thread Tornado by Vestratto with Like Like.
    I reached out to azzwoodcustoms a few weeks ago. They said that it's only small batch releases from Vestratto atm, but once it's...
  • simba
    simba reacted to TigoleBitties's post in the thread Tornado by Vestratto with Like Like.
    As there's still no official stem from Vestratto for it I think most use the WPA, myself included. Lately I've been enjoying it on dry...
  • simba
    simba reacted to RedZep's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    The click filled to the brim with fine ground material is a hell of a session. The fact fine grind doesn't negatively affect airflow is...
  • simba
    simba reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    just got a delivery from rene! left to right: hornbeam classic, cocobolo classic and yew tree classic i love these vapes ... each one...
  • simba
    simba reacted to warren0728's post in the thread The Lotus Vaporizer with Like Like.
    i love this photo!
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