shredder's latest activity

  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Antiquity's post in the thread Anyway to modify Green Dragon? with Like Like.
    I made a quart of GD with the trimmings from my last grow. It’s pretty intense … 2-3 ml is a loooong high and a different feeling from...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to MTpromises's post in the thread Instant Pot - Decarb & Extract with Like Like.
    The same method as OP, I just swapped out the mason jar for metal pan. Decarbed in the Pot for 40min, released pressure. Added oil and...
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread Instant Pot - Decarb & Extract.
    What method? I just see pictures.
  • shredder
    It should decarb while being heated and evaporating. I usually finish on a coffee warmer and can watch it decarb as the bubbles...
  • shredder
    I guess I'm a little out of it tonight. I was prepping to make a little more FECO in my Pot by Noids and had about 13 grams of ground...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Flotsam's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    I only thought RSO was the only concentrate you could ingest. I guess you learn something every day
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread CannaButter.
    Abv isn’t as strong as the starting material was, so adding a concentrate would provide a boost. Any decarbed thc type concentrate would...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Flotsam's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    when you say adding concentrate are you talking like RSO?
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread CannaButter.
    It’s been a minute but my volcano abv was my best too. Since abv in edibles is so unpredictable when i made abv edibles, I would sample...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to FlyingLow's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    I’ve made some brilliant butter with AVB over the years, but admittedly I only like doing it with volcano products for they provide such...
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread CannaButter.
    Not only is it hard to tell how strong it will be, it’s hard to get an efficient extraction. The best ive found to use abv in edibles...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Flotsam's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    hmmm so in other words hard to tell how strong, i'm always been skeptical of THC numbers (so range between 20 to 30 or so...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Vitolo's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    I like to call the lighter ABV "BBV" (barely been vaped)🙂
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread CannaButter.
    No, the strength depends on the starting strength and how much was used initially. Darker being more used, lighter being stronger abv.
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Flotsam's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    Help LOL. so i started saving all my AVB once i started coming to this web site. So yesterday was the first day i decided...
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