Recent content by ScruffyWoofers

  1. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    I'm based in the UK but I've sent many to the EU.
  2. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    With the 8mm stem adapter, you'll be able to use your Tornado on your Omni stem.
  3. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    @PrematureEvaporation Hey, thanks for the mention. Regarding the 'cooling fins' on my stem adapters, they're not intended as cooling fins but are there to improve grip when fitting and removing. Thanks for the suggestion, a 'short' version is definitely something I can provide. ✌
  4. ScruffyWoofers

    Camouflet Convector

    Thank you! That's perfect 🙏
  5. ScruffyWoofers

    Camouflet Convector

    Hi all, just wondering if anyone could confirm the diameter of titanium Convector cap for me? I have a customer who'd like one of my cooling stands sized for it. Thanks in advance ✌
  6. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Hey, thanks for the feedback. I will slightly increase the depth of the O-ring retaining grooves accordingly. If you're finding that the O-rings are getting torn up, you could try using NBR (nitrile) O-rings in place of the FKM (Viton) ones supplied, as these have better abrasion resistance.
  7. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Hey, thanks for letting me know. If other people are experiencing the same I'll look at increasing the depth of the O-ring retaining groove but I have to say that the 8 x 1mm O-rings work best for me (now I have a Tornado - loving it btw). Maybe I should just include some 7 x 1mm O-rings and...
  8. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    The stem adaptors extend 14.5mm from the stem, 8.5mm of this inserts inside the Tornado leaving 6mm exposed between stem and Tornado.
  9. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    No, it's not a silly idea. I have been approached in the past by someone wanting the same thing made but for one of the previous Vestratto models. Unfortunately, the customer had a change of heart and it never made it off the drawing board. Perfectly feasible if it's something you'd like pursued.
  10. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    @invertedisdead The measurements I was given are: Outside diameter of bowl is 11mm, inside diameter is 9.5mm. The total depth of bowl on outside is 13mm and inner depth is 9mm. Note- Trying to measure the ID with callipers is somewhat prone to error. Ideally needs to measured with a bore...
  11. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Both 8mm and 9mm are available. If the 'poker' is a stem for the Dani, then it's the 9mm adaptor you'll want.
  12. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Shipping to the States is £10.60 tracked, £4.60 standard (non-tracked).
  13. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    @AndyO @PrematureEvaporation I'm doing separate adaptors for 8mm and 9mm stems. O-rings including spares provided.
  14. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    RE: Sticking bowl, have you tried backing off the bowl a fraction after screwing on? Heating/cooling can cause threaded components to tighten up.
  15. ScruffyWoofers

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Only for the Tornado, to 8mm or 9mm.
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