Recent content by Schwarz

  1. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    When you’ve got the chance, can you place the evo in a place without any other electronics within 10 feet or more (like possibly outside or wherever you can manage) and measure the readings at 3 feet, 1 foot, and 5 inches and post the results? I’d love to test myself but I don’t have a reader...
  2. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Could also turn it off right before hitting it after letting it heat up for a good 5-10mins.
  3. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Thanks! Interesting stuff. If you have time... Got an iPhone? If so can you measure it? No filming is needed.What’s the meter read for other stuff around your house?
  4. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    When you can I’d love to see it. Thanks in advanced!
  5. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Take some video proof demonstrating this, I’m curious.
  6. S

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO Does anyone know if this fits inside the Vapexhale EVO? I really want all glass herb basket: Vapolution 3 Hydro / Infuser Dry Herb Bowl
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