Recent content by Samsquanch

  1. Samsquanch

    Silicon Storage Container Labels

    Ok boys , I love these silicone cases but like Haywood , I have problems with varieties and labelling so I came up with this one , Im surprised I havent seen it here . Anyways , everyone can find a couple of screw caps / lids off some pop bottles and they come in so many different colors , you...
  2. Samsquanch

    Is reclaim worth it?

    To better explain "using heat " , I usually have an all glass vapor path (Arizer products) , "by using heat" I mean that I take a torch lighter (not a bic) , and heat the glass enough so that the resin can run out of the tube . I usually run them into a 5gr glass vial for use at a later time ...
  3. Samsquanch

    Is reclaim worth it?

    Is reclaim worth it , hell yeah . Does ISO change the flavor or potency , hell yeah. I gave up on ISO for reclaim , the only thing it gets used for now is a final spotless cleaning . You have to remeber with ISO , it is a percentage (eg. 91% , 99% , whatever batch you grab) it is not pure and...
  4. Samsquanch

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^^^^^^ LMAO , I love this place , just tell it as it is
  5. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    All I can say if your going to try to use a PS2 brick is this . You better have 20/20 vision and a steady hand when your making your solder connections on the jack . The lugs are super tiny and it is very easy to short out if your sloppy . Too much wire or too much solder and your screwed ...
  6. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    Dreamerr - I stopped following this thread ages ago , this unit has changed so many times since its introduction Im surprise nobody has labeled this thing with a multiple personality disorder. Dont get me wrong , the solo is very good at what it does . I know with the earlier units everything...
  7. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    On the M102 the battery is out the the circuit when you run on a straight PA , if your running a PA full time you might as well remove the battery that way the solo body wont retain as much heat on those overtime sessions . Sucks you cant do this with the newer ones.
  8. Samsquanch

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    This thing is great for conservation when you use the screen mod , I went one step further though . Rather than just rolling up a screen to fill the top half of the chamber , I also popped out the plate on the bottom and rolled up screen and put it between the plate and the bottom to raise the...
  9. Samsquanch

    Custom Arizer Solo High Performance Battery Packs (Original thread)

    Been watching this thread a long time , good to see progress :rockon:, gonna need me one of these
  10. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    Nature of the beast , but this unit rocks tho . Part of the extended sessions could be due to using 2 hole stems but who knows . Sometimes when you get middle to crap herb you can barely get 1 sesion
  11. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    Even when it's 2 of us hauling on the solo , if its good shit you can get 3 sessions easy , no bs , just as long as you use good natural shit , not hydroponics , grown proper , dried and cured properly . BTW I'm using an M102 ceramic solo , what are you using ?
  12. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    No BS , no pansy ass hits , good shit is all , Kush ATM
  13. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    3 - 12 mins for one stem is normal for me sometime I can go 4 times at it, as long as good quality herbs are being used . Ist sesh@#3 setting , 2nd sesh@#5 setting , 3rd sesh@#7 setting . If I can stretch it to 4 sessions on 1 stem then the settings I use are 3,4,5,7 or 2,3,5,7 depending on...
  14. Samsquanch

    Arizer Solo

    As a long time Arizer supporter I just find it very strange that the Rockwise site is gone and the Arizer site is showing solo's but only selling Q's and V towers . I wish they would get this solo thing right . Is consistency really that hard to accomplish in the manufacturing process ? Not in...
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