Recent content by sae156

  1. S

    Kleen extract

    I poured mine thru a 25 M bubble hash bag. It seemed liked it worked pretty well.
  2. S

    Dreaming of living in a trichome forest

    Dreaming of living in a trichome forest
  3. S

    Kleen extract

    Thanks to everybody who helped answer my noob questions. For NickDlow, what would be the advantages to vacuum purging vs. simple evaporation? And similarly, what advantages would there be in heating up the pyrex plate slightly vs. just at room temps evaporation?
  4. S

    Kleen extract

    Thanks 2clicker! I only watched the vid once and I forgot about them lining it with parchment. That would have made it easier. I was trying to avoid smoking it hence the visit the FC forums. I probably should have asked what was the cheapest way to enjoy it. When I start reading about...
  5. S

    Kleen extract

    Hi all, Been following this post since the Youtube vid from KX is not available. I did email them and they said they are working on a new video that includes new stuff they have learned. So I did a 10 min wash with a almost a cup of dried flowers. Strained it thru a 25 mesh bubble bag I have...
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