RxPlorer's latest activity

  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to florduh's post in the thread Banger/slurper question with Like Like.
    IMO, there are diminishing returns. I'd get a cheaper quartz banger to start with. Get used to the whole torch dab process. You'll...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to pakalolo's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Sorry, no. Comparisons do not belong in device threads, they should be done in their own thread. See above. Please stick to discussing...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Grass Yes's post in the thread Vaping and hyponatremia with Like Like.
    Do you think vapers consume more water and lose more sodium than smokers? Have you ever heard of a single case of someone drinking too...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Ramahs's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    This is the mantra of many first-timers with manual vapes once they get it. The next phase is the mental disaster that happens for you...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to n0tu2's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Following up on my original complaint(s): The olive wood smell/taste does go away eventually.. takes a couple ride the line goes to...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to .brew's post in the thread Flower Mill with Like Like.
    It's "plastic" regardless the type. I wasn't making a dig at you. I've been anti-petroleum products in my consumption for over forty...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    The Vapman has always worked for me and I have never had to adjust anything or download updates, or just plain WORRY. I am so happy with...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to fangorn's post in the thread The Nomad From Morwood with Love Love.
    Hello FC ! I love you.... Don't hate me... I am pleased to present Nomad #81 to you. It's made of Sequoya burl and a blackwood collar...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Brenyo's post in the thread The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie with Like Like.
    Yes, as the threads are nearing the end it'll get tighter so you can lock it in place. It won't bend unless you force it, you'll know...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Brenyo's post in the thread The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie with Like Like.
    The plan was to go from 0.2 to 0.25, but I’ve realised there’s a more secure option with the current screen, so I might cancel it…:ko...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer replied to the thread Tornado by Vestratto.
    lol yeah everyone’s showing a whole lotta trust with a capital $ for Vestratto here! Though, I’ll say as a long-time observer and fan...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Feelingmedicated's post in the thread Tornado by Vestratto with Like Like.
    Man it is so tempting but I also really want to see the tornado in action before I commit. Even with a discount code the bundle is still...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to TigoleBitties's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Things definitely stay much cleaner using the caps. I find using them at 350F makes up for the extra thermal mass in the oven. I do...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to mountainflowershemp's post in the thread Mail Order CBD with Like Like.
    Hopefully I can get some small batches out from the indoor this summer, but I plan to wash some outdoor Dirtdog Dumper Cut this fall! Im...
  • RxPlorer
    RxPlorer reacted to Brenyo's post in the thread The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie with Love Love.
    Not initially, but both will be available later. I'd recommend cubic zirconia stones in 3mm size Tempest cleaning box should be...
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