Recent content by Romi

  1. R

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hello, Thank you for your answers. Finally I am ok with the taste of the Pax. I think it was not plastic but I had to be used to this new taste for me. I Hope I am not a bad lucky guy with a dysfunctionning Pax because I have a very recurrent problem: Randomly, the pax does not respond...
  2. R

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hello everybody :) Just got my Pax 2 yesterday. I tried it yesterday night and it was my first weed vaporizing experience. I have to say I am yet converted! I like the effect more than what I felt when I combusted marijuana. It is a definitely more clear sensation and I felt I got only the good...
  3. R

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hey, Thanks a lot for these very clear insights ! Especially the one about my level of english ;)
  4. R

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hi all, I am from France and new on this forum (I already read all the 63 pages to make me wait until I receive my Pax 2, thanks a lot for all this information) I managed to get one Pax 2 sent to me by a friend that bought it in the US, I am looking forward to receiving it :). I quitted...
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