Recent content by reprobate

  1. R

    Thinking of moving to Denver

    I lived in Denver several times, most recently 1988, and two of my children are there now. If you like big cities it's great. The climate is comparatively mild: you'll get the occasional big snowstorm but next day it may well be 65 degrees, and the summers are wonderful with low humidity. If I...
  2. R

    What were YOU doing at 3 years old?

    Little guy's bones are still half rubber... and he's a lot closer to the ground so the fall isn't as far. ;) What a talent!
  3. R

    marijuana and heart attacks

    40 bpm to this layman indicates not insignificant cardio-vascular stress. :o Is there any data on how vaping affects heart rate?
  4. R

    My cat likes to watch things fall down

    One of the two cats that owns us does this intermittently; he's a cross-eyed snowshoe Siamese named, all too appropriately, Peeve. When he isn't caterwauling, puking, peeing, pooping, sleeping, interrupting your sleeping by jumping on you or purring in your ear or whatever else he's decided to...
  5. R

    guests online record?

    I've been dinking around teh intertubz for almost two decades and this forum is remarkably successful at managing the critical 'signal to noise ratio', no mean online feat. Well done!
  6. R

    Obama opens off shore oil drilling

    Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time A lot of people don't like the idea - what do you think?
  7. R

    What's the next war / conflict?

    There is precedent: Israel took out Iraq's potential nukes and there is no reason to doubt they'll do the same thing if Iran gets too brazen. And much of the 'civilized' world will breathe a sigh of relief, although they'll condemn it publically on general principles. :D [crosspost]
  8. R

    'Drug Crazy' by Mike Gray

    Has anyone read this book? It would be fun to talk about it here; it is by my lights a well written history of how we came to this strange place of prohibiting certain drugs.
  9. R

    Portugals Drug Policy

    From the little I know of 'drug history' this general approach was used in some civilized countries a century ago; doctors would prescribe adequate amounts of whatever to keep 'addicts' functioning, many of whom were productive members of society. Then a few idiot powermonger types (read: Harry...
  10. R

    The Magic-Flight Box

    1/8 teaspoon won't fill it level but it's not far away. I've found using a fraction of even that small amount is amazingly effective; sometimes I'll put 1/3 of the 1/8 of well ground product and it's good for several hits. And it browns it all up so nice.
  11. R

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Funny how perspectives vary. I find it better suited for leftys: cupping in your left hand allows one handed operation if you practice a bit, whereas in your right hand you can't manipulate the battery the same way without exposing much more of the tool to observation. ISTM leftys would have an...
  12. R

    Whats your least favorite thing to do after vaping?

    Remembering my wife pretty much believes 'Reefer Madness' is an even-handed representation of marijuana usage. Sigh.
  13. R

    The Magic-Flight Box

    This discussion makes me wonder about maximizing efficiency in the LB. Assuming a fine grind, ISTM very small loads will be most efficient - picture a fairly thin layer spread over only the horizontal section of the screen trough, good for 3 or 4 or 5 hits with vigorous shaking between. Herb...
  14. R

    Any Todd Snider fans here?

    Risking hyperbole I'd rank him in the same general category as Dylan: he has a remarkable way with words, a good hand with the guitar, a wicked sense of irreverent humor and, while he's been down some hard roads, he did it with a friendly smirk in his wide open eyes. And I suppose I should...
  15. R

    Any Todd Snider fans here?

    Check this out: A friend of mine was at this show, at Grimey's in Nashville. IMO his best album is _The Devil You Know_.
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