Recent content by raelalt

  1. raelalt


    I've never gotten the "munchies" after neither smoking recreationally (back in the 60's-70's) nor vaping medically (now). But I do love a nice big glass of ice water. Wonder what it is that causes it in others or why it doesn't in me.
  2. raelalt

    Do you rotate two or more strains to curb your tolerance?

    How would someone develop a tolerance to specific strains? Isn't it the chemical compounds (particularly THC) within the strains that would cause your body to develop a tolerance towards it? The only way I see it happening is if the strain you are using has a relatively high concentration of...
  3. raelalt

    Burnt popcorn

    I've noticed that as well (from the same device, so not affected by switching from/to conduction/convection) and I'd just figured that my taste buds have become more familiar to the taste and can better differentiate between the two flavors now. Whereas before, when I was new to vaping, burnt...
  4. raelalt

    Vaping and hydration habbits?

    Katnip sez: "What's in my vape? Lavender (my favorite), chamomile (tasty, helps during "bitchweek"), catnip (not my name-helps me sleep), sage (sore throat relief), various mints (super tasty, mostly flavoring), and rosemary (great for focus)" I was wondering if it was ok to vape garden herbs...
  5. raelalt

    High Potency, Concentrate Based, DIY Tincture Talk

    That was incredibly informative. Thank you! I kinda decided NOT to use ISO, for the simple reason that someone else may come across my bottle and decide to swig it. But your reply definitely added to my knowledge on the subject. -Don
  6. raelalt

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I think I have you all beat (except maybe the guy with the mini-computer text game.) M.U.L.E. on the Commodore 64 was the first game I got really involved with. Now I have been sucked in by Fallout 4, level 65 and counting...
  7. raelalt

    High Potency, Concentrate Based, DIY Tincture Talk

    Very useful thread BTW. I have made one batch of alcohol tincture that is quite strong, one or two drops under the tongue is all I need for my desired effect. I bought lab grade ethanol (> 95%) which works great but it is quite expensive. Since I am at most using just two drops at a time...
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