Recent content by PressEnter

  1. PressEnter

    Gear DIY E-Cig THC Liquid Discussion

    Thank you so much, Trixer. I will try and report. :cool: There seems to be a great way of doing it, which I saw in another forum. Please read through it and I am very interested to hear your comments. This is it...
  2. PressEnter

    Gear DIY E-Cig THC Liquid Discussion

    yes, yes, it's on... at least I am reading... Hope all is well. I think extracting thc through alcohol based substances should be avoided when vaping. The alcohol will cause a headache probably when inhaled through an e-cig. I found a very intelligent report / answer to the thc/PG problem in...
  3. PressEnter

    Gear DIY E-Cig THC Liquid Discussion

    Hi All, Here are my trials and tribulations in experimenting with thc and the e-cig... There are 3 main questions to consider: 1. Most efficient way of extracting the thc 2. Dissolving the thc in an e-liquid 3. Dosage. Here is what I did: 1. Most efficient way of extracting the thc Based on...
  4. PressEnter

    Gear DIY E-Cig THC Liquid Discussion

    Hi All, This is my first time here. I ended up in this forum for the reason of researching e-cig vaping and thc. I have done a few experiments and will share. As this is my first post, I just want to see how it will come out. I will post again with some info...
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