Recent content by PPN

  1. PPN

    For your information...

    Hi, I'm just here to advise FC Community I'm not anymore working for Xmax brand and I'm not anymore the one posting under XMAXVAPORIZER username. Xmax brand stopped sharply our collaboration after 4 years together... That's all Folks!
  2. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    If you are looking for bigger clouds the Hybrid Glass Core is the way to go (convection+conduction), although the Convection Glass Core to release the best taste available (but the Hybrid is very tasty too!). Difficult choice but both are so nice you will be pleased whatever your choice is!
  3. PPN


    Good question... I don't remenber to be honnest, I know it was similar to the one Alan is using in Iheat heaters, Alan is a nice guy and will probably give you the info you want. It was written to be SS316 on the packaging (no more infos of size mesh&jauge, it was hand-written!) but , since I...
  4. PPN

    Katalyzer Vapes

    Sadly they never sent it to me, they said to wait for the last shipment to come in, a matter of days... It was 3 weeks ago... Sadly I can't afford to purchase it at the moment, I was pretty curious about that hasch vaporizer claim... Remenber Katalyzer is a french brand and, in France, we are...
  5. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Thank you for sharing, I will consider it in this case... I got the exact same issue with old adapter. Did you send your existing one for upgrade or did you buy a new one? Have to contact Jorge soon...
  6. PPN


    Hi, I got back my FlashVape I sold a while ago to a friend and he didn't used it, so we did a trade... And I noticed the FV Plug-In Adapter to be on sales on Outlet section, I got it for less than 10 bucks! When it came at home I already prepared my FlashVape, my past bigger concern was coming...
  7. PPN

    XMAX Starry 4, Portable Vaporizer

    My Starry's are intensively used, it's one of my fav on the go device... Although I noticed to get bigger hits using it with the WPA (dry hits) rather than with the stock mouthpiece, did you got the same experience? I don't understand why there is so much difference to be honnest...
  8. PPN

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Yep, the Matt's devices are very good, I have only a DTv4 with sic dish but it's perfect for my liking. I use it with bottom less banger.
  9. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    You will enjoy the upgrade! Great video @LAWTHEONE , that's mimic exactly my experience, but what's a complex waterpipe... this is smoothen the vapor probably very well but, for taste, I suggest a more simple perc (and for cleaning as well :p). Minivaper for ever!
  10. PPN

    For Sale (CE) Used Fog Pro beta version (hot!)+ brand new Carty, 40€+shipping

    Hi, that's a special item, a Fog Pro beta version (please notice the air inlets, they are made differently than the stock version), it was used but probably less than 30 times. It's hotter than the stock version and still in good working conditions. It will comes with a few replacement...
  11. PPN

    For Sale Hercules by W9, 1 Hercules 510 (BNIB), 3xHercules SR-71 with 510 connection and 4 SR-74x metal housing only, Rares discontinued items! PRICE DROP

    Hi, one of my daily drivers, but I have already 3 in rotation and 1 spare so I will let to go the rest... - 1 Hercules 510 brand new in box, full package of the last version released: 60€ - 3 Hercules SR-71, brand new, fully functionnal but miss the plastic housing with mouthpiece but you can...
  12. PPN

    Completed SOLD Brand new, 2 rares NimbinVaps, full aluminium body, butane vaporizers! SOLD

    These vaporizers were released by a Mexican manufacturer 10 years ago, the ones for sale are the most recent versions (2016-2017). - Full kit including card box with NimbinVap and some accessories, a plastic pill box with more accessories (screens,...) hemp "cord" to lighten bowls (unnecessary...
  13. PPN

    For Sale (CE) Brand new Sealed in box Starry 4+brand new Pattis carts batterie- 55€+shipping re-PRICE DROP!

    All is in the title, here the pic though: Thanks for looking! ps: Yes, that's a lot of adds... My third daughter being born a few weeks ago, I need some money for the family!
  14. PPN

    For Sale Dreamwood Glow rcv18 V3+Voopoo DragPlus, PRICE DROP now 80€+shipping

    Hi, a slightly used Glow rcv18, I have the rcv14 and I prefer it personnaly, I don't know which wood it is (I think Walnut...), it's in perfect conditions (I have a dosing caps, woodwax and maybe, replacement coils), the Drag+ comes with a 21700 installed (Sony) and the adapter for 18650. User...
  15. PPN

    Completed (EU)Pockety with ruby insert, 125€+shipping SOLD

    Hi, here a Pockety with Ruby insert (and unusued Quartz insert), slightly used... at least enough to break the bubbler, but this is doesn't really affect the function though, I'll add the male 18mm connector you can see, the accessories and carrying box. It's an awesome erig but the DTV4&M22...
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