
Originally was an industrial design major before switching to film. Thought at the time *circa 2019* that I could medicate my anxiety, high functioning Autism and ADHD with weed, that did not end up happening.

What did happen, is my love for product design naturally lead me to dry herb vapes, as I was looking for an alternative to smoking that wouldn't stink up my house, clothing, or fucking up my throat like joints did when getting smacked with 'stoner friends' and old retail coworker buddies.

Today, I very occasionally get high. Most of what I vape is CBD enriched Hemp, because it doesn't give me the panic attacks that chasing clouds with weed does. Yes, I love that part of vaping, but never wanted to get hooked on e-juice nicotine vapes just for that.

I've bought my dad and cousin a V3 Pro for their own hemp used. Herbal vaporizers still and probably will continue to be a hobby of mine for years to come.
May 24, 1996 (Age: 27)
My Vapes and Accessories
Desktop: None yet, but eyeing the Oldhead Freight Train Pro Engine.

Battery: S&B Mighty+, Crafty+, XMAX V3 Pro, Starry V2, Boundless Tera V3, Ispire Wand.

Butane: Dynavap M 2018, Omni 2021, Sticky Brick Jr.

Glass: Mobius Sidecar.
Film/TV Production



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