Photonic's latest activity

  • Photonic
    Photonic replied to the thread Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape.
    It'd be cool if it did. :rockon:
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to 2tiki's post in the thread Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape with Like Like.
    🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 I have no way of knowing at this point in time, having used neither of them. But not knowing something never stopped anyone on...
  • Photonic
    If you're an organic grower, Buildasoil. If you like to learn about genetics, breeding and/or cannabis history, check out Pot Cast.
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Mukmuk's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    To me, it was quite misleading at first. But now I’ve understood the basic concept. Interesting. This is something I’m used to doing...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Shit Snacks's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    Yeah it's unfortunate that many manufacturers have used on demand and session mode as names for feature settings, implying it changed...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Mukmuk's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    I have to quote you again because I’ve rethought the two concepts of session and demand mode: You’re absolutely right. Thanks for...
  • Photonic
    Photonic replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    If holding the button is challenging, you can flip the device around so the button is facing the meat of your hand just below the thumb...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Mukmuk's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    Thanks! I am using the session mode. For me it needs to much power to keep the button pressed for several seconds. 2 quick clicks 1...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Chicken No Name's post in the thread What's in your vape right now? with Like Like.
    That's the original cob thread, the ultimate source but approaching 500 pages it's a little heavy going! Originally created to eat but...
  • Photonic
    Photonic replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    @Mukmuk You mentioned powering it on but not getting heat for a few minutes. What mode are you turning it on in? e.g., on demand (3...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to Cheebsy's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    ^^^ This ^^^ Using underpowered batteries could be stressing the batteries out and causing the excess heat and stupidly short run time...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to maremaresing's post in the thread TS80 Portable Soldering Iron with Like Like.
    There is also the vleaf GO which is a great idea but needs some sort of cooling and better/safer air/vapor path materials (aluminum oven...
  • Photonic
    Photonic reacted to dzoinp's post in the thread TinyMight / TM 2 with Like Like.
    wrong problem
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