peeeaace's latest activity

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    peeeaace reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Looks like it's only the 18mm but I'd grab it if you have or can get an 18mm rig, dropdown, or j-hook. These WPA midsections should be...
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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman. if anyone is interested in these adapters
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    peeeaace reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    what a beautiful lineup … i’m really digggkng the second one from the left! what type of wood is that?
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    peeeaace reacted to T9R's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    No need to apologize @Serfer76. There should be room for both positive and negative feedback on here. FWIW, I've also had some initial...
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    peeeaace reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    I think you have valid criticisms about backwards compatibility with your gear for sure, and also your comment on the heat. My initial...
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    peeeaace reacted to Electrofever's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    You might recognize that VM ;) I haven’t really had time to experiment fully the Station, but up to know I am very pleased with what...
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    peeeaace reacted to fangorn's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    No one has shared a photo yet??! The Vapman station landed in Canada yesterday! Despite my problems with incompatibility between UPS...
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    peeeaace reacted to T9R's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman.
    the whole family is sunbathing
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    peeeaace reacted to vapman's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    @RedEyeRasta: Welcome to the vapman thread!:wave: To prevent any misunderstandings about variations on the "pan", I like to clarify...
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    peeeaace reacted to vapman's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    You are really doing a nice job @Mojo! That pear tree looks impeccable, looks like you oiled and polished it a second time? I once...
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    peeeaace reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    I prefer the Pure as is extraordinary. It is impossible to know the extent of how many different variations of Vapman were...
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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman.
    Yes, it does indeed look similar. maybe. When it is not in the sun, it appears significantly darker. And it's a pure one. Being a fan of...
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    peeeaace reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    I have one called Amazakoue Wood or looks similar but, mine has less brown. The grain looks similar.
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    peeeaace reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Greetings, those are amazing. Could you tell us about them...I want to know about the first one. Thanks for posting those beautiful...
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