peeeaace's latest activity

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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman.
    With the click or the v2 if you open the air flow too much, without playing the flute. We then waste the product. With the Swiss...
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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman.
    the twisted insert has no effect. Illusion. but yes this unilateral side is good for adjustment. but the air flow... is then not well...
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    peeeaace replied to the thread Vapman.
    Good morning, I wonder if the airflow of the Swiss vapman is more balanced and gives better results.. the 3 holes are more balanced...
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    peeeaace replied to the thread The Lotus Vaporizer.
    Good morning, In the thread, has anyone tried to enlarge the airflow holes?
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    peeeaace reacted to fangorn's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    My friend Vapman had the privilege of being used outside the house... It's exceptional. I wonder if it's not the first time, by the...
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    peeeaace reacted to budweis's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    It was quite a difficult end of the year workwise so Christmas came early for me. First time I've seen a yew Vapman in here I knew I...
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    peeeaace reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    here is my vapman family photo ... small collection compared to some but enough for me (for now lol) EDIT: for those asking about...
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    peeeaace reacted to DrShoe's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Hey, i almost miss this one. Mark Burgess's words followed my life a long time too! :)
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    peeeaace reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    so i am excited! just got this beauty! it is an apple wood (verified by david and michael) that has never been used! this is vapman...
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