Recent content by nuvap

  1. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Can anyone give me quick pointers on the best way to remove the screen from the vap tube? I guess I use a chopstick (or similar) but do I just push the screen out towards the heat end or down towards the mouth end? I'm not sure if there is a taper in the tube and don't want to wreck my screen if...
  2. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Photos as promised. :) I love it so much, not only is it beautiful but it's also... well... EPIC! :D Now, off for more testing!!
  3. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    My E-nano has arrived! It landed on my doorstep this morning so that's less than 2 weeks from order date to get it shipped to the UK. I am amazed at how beautifully made it is, I love how log vapes makers vary their designs slightly to add their own touches. For me each log vape I have had has...
  4. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yeah, I used it earlier, you can find it at the bottom of the first post of this thread.
  5. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I've used log vapes as my daily driver for 3 years+ and I have ordered the e-nano specifically because it has the temperature dial. My previous log vapes were a PD and a HI both of which used a fixed temp via a 12v DC PSU and neither of them were quite hot enough for me so 99% of the time I ran...
  6. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    After a very prompt reply by Andy confirming UK shipping, I've pulled the trigger on a E-nano in cherry. I'll be sure to post some pics when it arrives! *all excited now*
  7. nuvap

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I seriously fancy one of these. I've been considering one for a while and now my HI has finally died I really need a new log vape, after using a PD and then a HI as daily drivers, it really has to be a log vape. I did briefly try a solo but not sure if it was faulty or not but it didn't get hot...
  8. nuvap

    The HI

    Good day fellow JedHI warriors. Just wanted to pop in a hail praise for the turbo tube with glass nipple; after my first real chance for an extensive direct draw session I must declare it as being the weapon of choice from now on. Good flow, cracking hits off a 2/3 full bowl and such nice...
  9. nuvap

    The HI

    Just checked my original 'pre-order' email and it was Feb 22nd, my HI arrived this week. That should give you a rough idea of the time frame.
  10. nuvap

    The HI

    HI 5 all! The day has arrived for me... my HI has landed! As is the law I have shared a couple of pics, I apologise for the lighting. The wood is birdseye maple. Side by side with my PDP. Many thanks to Alan for being excellent and for being a great craftsman, I'm already in...
  11. nuvap

    The HI

    Thanks for the info guys! I've fired an email off to Alan but alas no reply yet, although I did expect a bit of a wait because I expect he is busy in the shop cranking out these vapes for everyone. Fingers crossed I get a reply soon and can at least get my name on the list. :peace: Edit: for typos
  12. nuvap

    The HI

    Hey Alan, what are the chances of getting one of these shipped to the UK? :peace:
  13. nuvap

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I've just started playing Rift. I didn't expect much from it but man was I wrong, it is a superb game. I'm at level 31 (of 50) at the moment and really looking forward to the end game stuff. Totally recommended to the MMO fans out there.
  14. nuvap

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I've started doing this with each stem and find it works the best for me. Let the empty stem sit in the PD for 10-15 seconds before loading, then load a medium-fine grind via the straw method and tap the end with your finger, the heated stem will help the finer grind stay nicely seated. I test...
  15. nuvap

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I received a nice little gift in the mail this morning, the vapor stem and cap for taking part in the 4/20 contest. An interesting addition included with the stem was a lovely little translucent coloured pebble - it is such a beautiful little thing it has me mesmerized staring at it after a few...
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