Recent content by NinjaVape

  1. N

    Building a Digital Vaporizer (Brain Dump)

    I screwed up registering last night (wrong email address) and ended up registering vapeninja and then ninjavape... :rolleyes: Glad to be here though, the world needs Vape tech if there's going to be any hope of a future! :ninja:
  2. N

    Building a Digital Vaporizer (Brain Dump)

    Hey Skippy, Firstly congrats on your research, very impressive. With regard to flow rates/voulmes, try this: Take a large jar that you know the volume of (ideally it would have markings on it). Turn it upside down and place it in a bowl of water so that the air is trapped inside. Insert one...
  3. N

    Possible laser vape

    Hey, My first post here - never stumbled over this site until tonight which is weird. I've been working on vapes for a few years now and I'm amazed to see people here working along similar lines - I shouldn't be I guess. Anyway, one of my two main areas of study (other than inline nichrome...
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