Recent content by Nina

  1. Nina

    The most simple ABV recipes with the least amount of smell?

    Some time ago I water cured some ABV and it seemed to take away a good 60% of the smell. I cant comment on the taste or the potency as I didnt get around to using it!
  2. Nina

    How much bud do you vaporize per session?

    Anything over 0.2g per day gives me the weird woozy weed hangover which ruins the next day😵‍💫😖
  3. Nina

    Tolerance break

    Same here. I did take a long break some time back . . . but I was younger & more able to withstand sleep deprivation. Same here! The best thing about giving it up before was the 'dream surge'.
  4. Nina

    High IQ Cannabis users

    I can't do those tests to save my life😬 I'm so in awe of you all🤩
  5. Nina

    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    I found it far far better than using a torch, I just couldn't get on with torches! For me the YLL made using the dynavap feel like smoking a spliff (but without the smoke).
  6. Nina

    Holding in hits, and long convection hits.

    I agree with you! I still feel compelled to hold it in for a few seconds though, it's an impulse driven by not wanting to waste any of the medicine. I'm not so worried about wasting the air:D:lol:
  7. Nina

    Holding in hits, and long convection hits.

    @PeteyS:wave: thank you for this fascinating thread:rockon:
  8. Nina

    Best way to make edibles for a newbie?

    I second the RSO suggestion, I'd recomend melting it in with a small measured amount of a vegetable oil to make it easier to calibrate (depending on what sort of edibles you plan to make) I have found that RSO is stronger/more effective when lecithin is added, not sure if others have found this...
  9. Nina

    Ethanol tincture potency?

    I've no experience with alcohol tinctures so can't speak to your methods. However, I too feel that the dose is too low, I'm very careful about keeping my tolerance down and my edible dose is generally around 40mg thc
  10. Nina

    X-mas baking

    I have no stoner friends but if I did I would be making similar Christmas presents I'm sure. I'm thinking yours were already experienced with edibles ... or did you give them strict instructions as to how much of each cookie to eat according to their level of tolerance 👨🏼‍🔬
  11. Nina

    X-mas baking

    Fab idea for Xmas presents @DocNicksche glad to hear they did the trick for you and Happy New Year
  12. Nina

    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    I used mine outdoors on my little holiday, it was great, made the dynavap as pleasurable as smoking a spliff:D
  13. Nina

    Induction Heater YLL IH by YLL vape

    Sorry to interrupt all this technical talk but I wanted to share that I have finally used my new YLL heater. I know it's taken me a while but I'm a mostly edibles person AND I only got the batteries today (thanks again to @kokolokokolokon for showing me which ones to get 🙏) I love it😍it's...
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