Recent content by nightie

  1. N

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    After using my Legacy Pro SE with caps, water bubbler and dosing tool since a few weeks I can say that I am very happy with my purchase, especially using it with the caps. I briefly showed a friend how it works and he ordered an SE with caps for himself the next day :D Depending on my mood I...
  2. N

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Thanks to the Black Friday deal I ordered the SE, dosing capsules, dosing tool and the glass water bubbler - really looking forward to it :D This will replace my firefly 2 that I had since 2017 which is showing its age (well earned). I hope that the ALP SE will last about the same and that I...
  3. N

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I am still torn between ordering the regular or the SE version - is the SE one built any better (material quality, even just feeling wise) compared the regular one? The regular seems to look more sleek on the photos. Also thank you Gary posting here, seeing responses directly from you is one of...
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