Recent content by MTpromises

  1. MTpromises

    Camouflet Convector XL

    The Mighty+ working as a convection heater.
  2. MTpromises

    Glass pieces suited for dry cooling

    That's actually only for lots of 30. I found another one like it for lots of 50. When I got mine it was closer to $30 and i could buy 1.
  3. MTpromises

    Glass pieces suited for dry cooling

    A Jhook with 2 dry ash catchers attached isn't that far off a Prophet. I got this Jhook off of DHgate. I can't find an individual sale link for it anymore. But it's the best style Jhook I've tried for cooling/airflow. It has a pillar and dimples for cooling, fantastic.
  4. MTpromises

    Instant Pot - Decarb & Extract

    The same method as OP, I just swapped out the mason jar for metal pan. Decarbed in the Pot for 40min, released pressure. Added oil and lechtin and did another 20m high pressure followed by natural pressure release and 20min on keep warm.
  5. MTpromises

    Instant Pot - Decarb & Extract

    I tried this method with a flan pan I got for my Instant Pot and it turned out pretty good.
  6. MTpromises

    The b2cvape (Tiodw) Thread

    I like the microdose bowl, it makes packing small amounts easy. Like right now, vaping in the dark, watching TV. Just filling the microdose bowl is easier than packing a small amount into the full bowl. I also like one hit pulls, so I think something like the 2.0 would be perfect, just like...
  7. MTpromises

    Opened Cannabis containers, and freshness.

    The weed I'm vaping now spent almost 2 years in a Grove Bag and is fine. It was bagged on 11/30/22.
  8. MTpromises

    Vaping through water. Debris and floaties.

    I'm pretty sure it's the same reclaim you get in dry vapes, but as it condenses in the water it gets emulsified with water and looks lighter/whiter.
  9. MTpromises

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    The Mini Terpcicle is a 10mm female at the base, so you can get a 10mm male to 10, 14 or 18mm male adapter to use with whatever size you need.
  10. MTpromises

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    Testing the new glass bottom bowl out...
  11. MTpromises

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    lol their customer service department is Cal with a different hat on. It seems pretty par for course from reading the threads for gophase3 or Cloud Connoisseur for one man outfits to have communication issues. This is a pretty big assumption and could easily be a logistics issue. I really...
  12. MTpromises

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    It has to be more than a just a rebrand, all the normal Tiodw diffuser heads are 23mm. These guys are selling a 22mm system. The price isn't bad considering it's competition, imo it looks better than most of the premium bases.
  13. MTpromises

    Heaviest hitting

    The Quartz Cap Mega can do 1 hit extraction on over .7g of weed. Which is pretty intense, the first time I "greened out" with just flower was the first time I hit the regular QC. The Taroma 360 is supposed to be able to hold 1g of weed and 1 hit extract it. I haven't seen anyone call this...
  14. MTpromises

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    I'm at 660f, no screen, firm tamp, generous .4g, weed. The weed is 62% humidity, just finished 2 month cure, Double Whiskey Sour.
  15. MTpromises

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    HELLLO NURSE! I got my 18mm Electric Cap. So far the best hit I've gotten is at 650f (Crossing pid from the Screwball) with a generous 1 minute heat soak with just over .2g in the bowl. I've done a couple of too many bowls I think for right now. The 700f bowl I tried with no spinning...
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