Recent content by MrHendricks

  1. M

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Just found a great way to do shatter etc. Get a cotton wool pad, normally for removing make up etc, and cut a roughly Mighty shaped circle. The pad pulls in half really easily, drop your shatter in the middle and pop the other half back on top. Put in chamber and vape at about 195-200 degrees c...
  2. M

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Hi All - just picking up on the e-juice thing and am very excited as the ability to puff away without a soul knowing is f'ing cool. Initially just had a Vapoursson e-cig from Amazon which showed enough promise to get me interested so have now just got an Aspire Atlantis so will be giving that a...
  3. M

    Trying to switch to vaping...

    Hi all. Joined this forum some time ago when I first started dabbling with vapes but couldn't drop the tobacco mixed spliffs. Been smoking them for over 25 years now so not easy switching. Used the vape as more of a top up for a while but just didn't get the right hit off it to totally move...
  4. M

    Finally beginning the transition

    Hey all, once again, it's great to find so much support around the place, thanks to this great site! Turning up the solo has definitely given a more "stoney" hit, although the taste is not as good. Unfortunately, the PVHE kit doesn't seem to be available in the UK as those water attachments do...
  5. M

    Finally beginning the transition

    @steama thanks man, I'll check it out. Gonna face issues from the missus though if I turn up with another vape! I've gone through 3 others before I hit the solo and, lets face it, they ain't cheap things. My internal business case i.e. spend no money on fags and it'll pay for itself quickly...
  6. M

    Finally beginning the transition

    Thanks everyone for the support. I'm gradually getting there and I know that's where I'll end up as not sorting it out isn't an option long term! Don't think I'll go for the tobacco mix, may end up liking it too much...and it'll probably make a right mess of the vape! I definitely think the...
  7. M

    Finally beginning the transition

    Cheers for the response, like the gum idea, may give that a go. I've never smoked cigarettes on their own in all my life so don't get cravings too bad, it's just I don't feel as wasted!
  8. M

    Finally beginning the transition

    Have been a committed joint (with tobacco) smoker for 25+ years and I've noticed that my chest has started to get tight in the mornings and more wheezy than normal, so I've started with vaping. Tried several types before I settled on the Arizer Solo - from the lighter heated ones, to the MFLB (I...
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