Recent content by maxiak

  1. M

    Discontinued Custom Crafty Battery Packs for Easy Replacement

    Thanks, that means a lot Your battery packs are obviously much higher quality, but i got my Mighty used at bargain price and i would have to get elements from abroad which would cost a lot and take weeks. Best of luck for everyone
  2. M

    Discontinued Custom Crafty Battery Packs for Easy Replacement

    Hey, got to install new batteries to my mighty today. Used exactly those batteries...
  3. M

    Discontinued Custom Crafty Battery Packs for Easy Replacement

    @JCat Thanks for reply. How about normal Hirose DF3-2S-2C connector? Wont that work? About the cable do you think 24 AWG will be enough?
  4. M

    Discontinued Custom Crafty Battery Packs for Easy Replacement

    Did you manage to find out what is the connector type for mighty/crafty battery for the device mainboard? I need to change my batteries because they currently have about shortened cycle time and i need to cherge it 2-3 times a day. I live in Europe so i guess buying 2 packs from you would be...
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