Recent content by Longtimelurker

  1. Longtimelurker

    How long can you keep your ABV?

    Thanks for your replys! I will make some brownies then soon with the good old recipe I found here some years ago and which I see is still around...:)
  2. Longtimelurker

    How long can you keep your ABV?

    I've got a big tin of ABV which is up to four years old. It looks and smells alright, has anyone experienced it going moldy, or anything else?
  3. Longtimelurker

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Anyone ever tried giving shots withe the pax? One person puts his mouth round the bottom (i only ever use the lowest temp, so i wont burn my lips) and breathes into the pax so the vapor just streams out of the front for someone else to inhale...
  4. Longtimelurker

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    it does give more smell than any other vaporizer I have used (wich isn't many: volcano, extreme and MFLB), but I find it more stealthy than the launch box, as it doesn't have to be stirred or shaken after every hit.
  5. Longtimelurker

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I'm just checking. so far, I've had almost an hour of heat, although the light never stays green, it changes between blue, purple and green. when I shake it, the light turns red, which indicates I should reload it, according to the manual... I'm not vaping, as I don't have any material left :-(
  6. Longtimelurker

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    i've had my pax for a few days now, recharged it twice, and i feel like the battery goes red after just vaping one pack, didn't even notice it being yellow. It still gets Hot, but the display is red, after max. 10 Hits on low temp... i hope i don't have to send it back, really love the thing...
  7. Longtimelurker

    Vaporfection - the AquaVape Inline Vapor Cooler

    i love this thing! i put it in the fridge filled with water and then connect it to my EQ.... just delicious!
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