Recent content by Lo

  1. Lo

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Wow.. Hey Stu… Long time, no see. I might have a few ELB’s if you need them. I still have my prototype and a newer model. Nothing ever came close but I don’t use much because I’m on the go too much. Anyhow… nice to see some old-timers still here ;)
  2. Lo

    Hash Oil Candy

    Yeah... candy making is no joke... that shit gets HOT. Glad it wasn't worse.
  3. Lo

    Another Recommendation- Concentrate Vape pen ???????

    Just an FYI... It isn't 60 days until FDA regs go into effect. The public comment period is open, then the regs go back to be reviewed/compared to comments. It will take time before they go into effect and we REALLY hope some changes are made....otherwise we'd be stuck with old technology that...
  4. Lo


    lol.. No worries really. It's just a personal preference of mine to share ones that I've tried and were successful. You might just add a disclaimer that it isn't a recipe you've tested if that is the case. At least someone might come along and play guinea pig...and report back. I've found a...
  5. Lo

    How To: Making weed brownies Bubba Kush

    Well... you might want to start with some research before wasting stuff. Most box mix brownies call for oil rather than butter. Most people cook cannabis in the oil. I don't know that we have a recipe here for BHO into brownies but you can dig. If it was me I'd start with dissolving the BHO...
  6. Lo


    lol... I honestly prefer to only post recipes that I have tried or have 100% faith in them being tried & true ;)
  7. Lo

    Pink Cannabis Lemonade

    lol.. YES! Everyone as oil & cold drinks just don't mix well. I honestly have had better luck with hot cannabis beverages than I have with cold.
  8. Lo

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    I leave the lid off when doing the saucepan bit personally. I've seen it done both ways. Long as you don't have it so water condensation drips into your jar you're good I'd say. I keep water level high up on the jar and add water as it evaporates. Not high enough to get in the jar though.
  9. Lo

    Pain Relief ABV Massage Oil

    I also filter while still hot/warm, it is much easier to get the oil to flow. I use nylon baskets or very fine mesh stainless strainers. I use the back of a spoon to press as much oil out as I can.
  10. Lo

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    I don't think one method is any better than the other. For larger batches the crock pot is convenient, larger jars and less adding water. Smaller batches I like a smaller mason jar in saucepan.
  11. Lo

    Pain Relief ABV Massage Oil

    I've never floated the jar myself. I always keep it upright. I also don't extract for days but everyone has their methods and there is no correct answer, many methods work. I'm not sure about your stove but on medium mine would be too high. You want to keep warm but not have it get really...
  12. Lo

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    I always stir periodically, I agree it is key. I don't measure the oil, I use enough to thoroughly wet the ABV I'm working with and then add a little extra to make stirring easier.
  13. Lo

    Rice Crispy Cannabis Treats

    I've actually had Captain Crunch treats a few years ago... awesome tasting but damn why does that magical tasting stuff have to shred the shit out of the roof of your mouth?? Anyhow....if you try it let us know:
  14. Lo

    Vape Nicotine?

    Actually Blu was started by an entrepreneur and then Lorrillard bought him out for some obscene amount of money... like $135million or something like that. Now big tobacco is buying out a few more companies as well.
  15. Lo


    Agree, if the flour is going into a recipe that is going to be baked there is no reason to decarb prior to baking the actual recipe IMHO.
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