Recent content by komrade_komura

  1. K

    Arizer Solo

    I hold any company that takes my money to a high standard. The only time I would consider it a fair exchange would be to receive a full refund upon return of the defective unit. But even then I have to absorb the cost of the postage, my time to send it back, to package it for return...all...
  2. K

    Arizer Solo

    Yes. I know about the warranty but I like products that don't require the warranty to be used. I don't care if they are friendly and fast, unless they come and take it out of my hand and put another one in its place, I am expected to accept a burden of inconvenience. It's was my hard earned...
  3. K

    Arizer Solo

    I gave up on the Arizer after the second one failed on me. Just blinking bottom light....and nothing else. Won't charge, won't discharge...eventually the blue light at the bottom will drain the battery. Will check it next's just sit in the drawer now. Pity, it was a wonderful...
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