Recent content by Kob

  1. Kob

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Or... Maybe that's what they are still doing. ;)
  2. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    Damn, my M18 + Ti is currently "Held in Customs". If the package doesn't clear customs next week, I'm flying to the UK to buy that highly illegal combo from The Hedonist Club, shove it up my ass and fly back. Doing that all with a massive FU grin on my face. :peace:
  3. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    I honestly don't know what's the big deal with their latest live set. I enjoyed it! If it was his first time he did good, I would've literally shit myself in the same situation. Hope to see more of those two together in the future. :nod:
  4. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    It came from the sky. :cool:
  5. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    I laughed so hard at this I dropped my taco, twice. You made me remember similar adventures in my own life. Which led me to use the last bit of my sweet baby Jesus OG :leaf: and put all of my 420 brain cells work together to create this :science:
  6. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    It says 4.35 ounces on their site so I'm guessing it's heavy enough? And rrp being $62.50 (:uhh:) I sure hope it's something else than plastic.
  7. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    As I said, stealth all the way. ;)
  8. Kob

    Dynavap VapCap

    When I really want to go stealth, I mean all the way, I pick up a squirrel and just fit a VC in it's jaws sideways. No one's expecting a thing. Just like this:
  9. Kob

    Herb Grinders

    I'd go with a 3 piece grinder for sure when vaping. I personally like the kief to be mixed with the herb. So definitely 2 or 3 pieces. Santa Cruz has some really nice 3 piece shredders. Loving especially the rasta. :peace:, K
  10. Kob

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I'm trying to extend the auto-shutoff time with the new app but I guess it's for fw V02.51 as I can't find the setting? Mine's running V02.08. My current Crafty has about 4 hours of use. I'd still totally send it to S&B and pay for the battery swap (:cool:) & fw upgrade if needed.
  11. Kob

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Laughed way too hard at find my crafty.
  12. Kob

    The "Project" DIY Herbal Vaporizer

    Hola! I'm thinking about hopping on this DIY wagon. I've never owned a mod before or even held one in my hand. Didn't even know before what a mod meant. I've gone through about half of this thread (still about 600 unread messages :freak:) and can't make a decision about which mod should I get...
  13. Kob

    Ghost MV-1 Speculation and Shipping Thread

    I couldn't agree more with you! My first thoughts about it after seeing the vids by Vape critic: Ugly Big and clumsy, although it does seem to fit in palm nicely Very disturbing sound when heating (it's clearly an issue to Bud also if you watch the 2 vids) Don't know what they've been thinking...
  14. Kob

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yup, gonna order one as it seems to be the best option so far. Thanks for your help!
  15. Kob

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Thanks for the reply! I Googled it and thought it could be even more snug fit? Or does it just look like there's a bit of an extra room because of the removable pocket & pics with Pax in it?
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