Recent content by KnockOffBrand

  1. KnockOffBrand

    Herb Grinders

    If you could do it again, would you still go with an SCS? Or something like a SC or Mendo Mulcher?
  2. KnockOffBrand

    Herb Grinders

    Do you have an SCS 4 piece? Or is that unrelated?
  3. KnockOffBrand

    Herb Grinders

    Well, I usually sprinkle a little keif here and there when I smoke which is more often than vaping. But either way, I just don't like stuff getting clogged and preventing the tool from doing part of its job if that makes sense. Helpful response tho. Thanks!
  4. KnockOffBrand

    Herb Grinders

    Hey all, looking to purchase a high-end grinder finally. Just wanted to clear some things up. So I've heard that the SCS 4 piece has had problems with collecting keif and with the screen clogging. Is this true? I'm pretty much set on the SCS besides this. But any info or personal experiences...
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