Recent content by kaleimud

  1. kaleimud

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    I have used it with Super Maroc and Super Pollum and it does work, but you will want to tear the hash up finely to get as much surface area exposed. I won't be doing this as a general rule because the Phedor is THE way to smoke solids, but the SV seems to work okay. I wouldn't try it with goo...
  2. kaleimud

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Nobody likes reading "Me too!" posts, but just to add my own two cents, holy cow this thing is the proverbial bees knees. Screw my `cano, save it for a party novelty. The SV is the real deal. I'm calling my RooR/SV combo Daisy. Those of you who've milked one of these bovines knows why. Moo...
  3. kaleimud

    Legal Smokes; Tips & Recommendations

    IMHO none meet your first criteria, safe. The purely natural smokes in smoke shops that actually WORK are the same bunch of inert plant nonsense as these "Legal Smoke" products have always been, except they have been treated with synthetic chemicals that mimic some of the characteristics of...
  4. kaleimud

    Marijuana Man smokes budder again

    Budder is an iso extract BudderKing sells. Kids on forums have attempted to reverse-engineer BK Budder by doing various little things to BHO and calling it Budder, but all they really have done is create confusion, because the real Budder product is very specific. Budder is made with specific...
  5. kaleimud

    Legal Smokes; Tips & Recommendations

    Salvia gave me a solid understanding of what it means to be a piece of furniture. (It's boring) Synthetics like JWH are likely better vaporized in a Eratta-style vape because they tend to be very potent, and properly measuring the dose gets complex. Ideal would be to weigh out a specific (tiny)...
  6. kaleimud

    What's with this SWIM stuff?

    I groked as a kid, but I fnorded more.
  7. kaleimud

    What's with this SWIM stuff?

    Yeah lwien, I came to that same realization quite some time ago also. A pseudonym is sufficient for a law abiding forum like this, I think. If someone is doing something that could drastically change their lifestyle or hurt their family, they need to be using real security, not trifling with...
  8. kaleimud

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    Between $250 and $400 an ounce depending upon the quantity purchased. For that price the quality ranges from extremely good to dank you only smoke along with a bottle of Petrus on the night of your daughter's marriage to the President's son. I would have to ask around to find mids or anything...
  9. kaleimud

    What's with this SWIM stuff?

    Some people are still in lifestyle situations requiring extra discretion. I don't know that SWIM has any value, call me crazy but I would stick with solid proxies and PGP.
  10. kaleimud

    Upside down hit?

    I won't vape weed from Sam I am I would not vape green eggs and ham I would not could not vape in bed But I might just vape standing on my head
  11. kaleimud

    What do all these acronyms stand for/mean?!!

    TMA - Too Many Acronyms
  12. kaleimud

    Hash: Vaporize or combust it?

    I use a Phedor with hash to great effect. It really depends on the consistency of the solid, but usually the Phedor will throw smoke off of any little part of hash you touch it with. I actually wouldn't even consider using anything else for hashish. I've tried the Phedor with BHO but it is too...
  13. kaleimud

    Vaporize Budder?

    I suggest what obelisk is saying, that is the exact device (and vendor too) that I bought my own Budder / concentrate gear from and I've been very happy with it. A personal preference is using a smaller bong for the vapor adapters, since wasting a small amount of concentrate is much more sinful...
  14. kaleimud

    Vaporize Budder?

    A great way to smoke Budder is in what is traditionally a hash oil pipe, but it is now often called a crack or meth pipe. I will leave you to ponder what that says about the drug culture. You should be able to get one of these at a local head shop for ~$10. Some areas may not like to sell...
  15. kaleimud


    I hope nobody will consider it rude to reply to such an ancient thread, but I really like the Phedor. First I am not a big fan of WR and I do consider the Phedor to be grossly overpriced. I have no experience with the infamous Hakko mod, but I am told that it works about as well. For many...
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