Recent content by Johny

  1. Johny

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    What's your flame length? I used to notice the plate move up and down as well when I used a smaller flame. Now that I'm sticking to a longer flame it all happens too fast to notice. Vapor production is fast. Heats up quick. Cools down WAY fast too. With a small flame my cap, including the wood...
  2. Johny

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Yeah, same problem here. The small flame is what charred my cap. Larger flame is quick so nothing heats up too much for an extended period of time. Starting to notice that higher flame and quick 6-7second light ups give me the smoother and best clouds versus small flame and hitting it for...
  3. Johny

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Been having throat irritation issues which I mentioned the other day. Had a Lotus session earlier. Tried a higher than recommended flame. Preheated plate 2 seconds and inhaled for 1 second with a medium to fast draw from pipe. Kept flame on and did about 3 inhales total with 1 second pause and...
  4. Johny

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Been reading this thread over the past couple weeks so I decided to sign up. I've had my long stem lotus kit for a couple months and this thing is efficient like no other. One thing I do run into is that it irritates/bites my upper mouth and throat. Have you guys run into this before and what...
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