New to Me: Ed’s Woodscents
Current Rotation: Anvil, Nomad #93, Pax 3, Mighty, HR Rogue, IQ2
Concentrate Set Ups: Proxy, Rio Stache, X-max Qomo
Back-Up: L’il Bud, Fierce, Firefly 2, Boundless CFC Lite, Milaana, Fury 2, Linx Eden, Vivant Ambit, Vleaf Go, FM Cap, Ghost MV1, HR Edge, mIQro, Crafty, Pax Mini, Angus, Prrl Neo, Firewood 6, Vapcap Assort, Tinymight
Broken/Out to Pasture: Pax, Ascent, T-Vape, Firefly, Solo, FM Swift Pro, Alfa Goboof, Flytlab Lift, FM v5s Pro, Arizer Air, Focus Pro, MFLB, Pinnacle Pro, Haze Square Pro
Wait/Wish List: Tafee Bowl, Venty
Notable Accessories: Flux Deluxe IH 16 mm; Brilliant Cut Grinder, Flower Mill Grinder, Prrl Terp Surfer, Jyarz Assort