Recent content by j3oomerang

  1. J

    Herb Grinders

    That is a pretty sweet ashtray
  2. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    My matte-large-stainless made it in a couple of days ago, super nice and perfectly machined. That top piece is friggin heavy though, solid steel. The whole thing is unnecessarily heavy but I'm not really complaining it stays at home. Time to gift my aluminum one
  3. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Is yours for a stainless? Mine was placed October 4th for a large/SS/matte/coarse, still "processing."
  4. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    ordered a SS version back October 4th, hope it ships soon
  5. J

    Herb Grinders

    I feel like kief catchers made some sense back in the day. However, nowadays, if you want kief or any other concentrates, you can simply buy some. It will be a cleaner, more potent product as well.
  6. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Safe to assume this stainless steel version is raw without any kind of coating? Sorry if it has been asked already, no mention of any coating on the product page.
  7. J

    Herb Grinders

    I got told over email this morning they are hoping to have pre-orders for the large later this year
  8. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I'd go matte for sure, not into shiny. Even on cars, always hated chrome. I have two Large BCGs in "processing" right now and I think I'm going to just stick with those. Only interested in the larger size so I'm going to skip this pre-order.
  9. J

    Herb Grinders

    Juts got the email for the BCG stainless steel preorder, and I have two BCG grinders on the way.....wish I would have waited. I paid $136 for the Large with all plates, the SS would have been $100 more. But buy once, cry once. Edit: Just realized it's the smaller version. Def prefer the large...
  10. J

    Herb Grinders

    Will find out what's so great about the BCG soon, just ordered two (one for a gift) with the sale going on right now
  11. J

    Best cartridges for distillate

    Do you buy in large quantities? Or do you know of a place you can buy smaller quantities?
  12. J

    E-Nano XL from Epicvape

    I find running a kettle of boiling water through the stem cleans it perfectly, nothing else needed. I just hold the stem with some tongs and pour away over the sink
  13. J

    Herb Grinders

    Yeah I went ahead and bought that Blue Bus grinder I had linked from etsy in the general grinder thread. It grinds weed, sure, but it's def not of the same quality of the BCG. I can tell that just by the pictures. Also, I want a course grind, and I find the Blue Bus is too fine of a grind.
  14. J

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Tempting, but will hold out for a threadless
  15. J

    Herb Grinders

    I just like the idea of ceramic touching the weed over aluminum. Smooth rotation is important though. Just watched a video from Sneaky Pete on the BCG and you can see chipped paint on the close up shots...the video is from two years ago so maybe they have a better process now? If I were to spend...
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