Recent content by invertedisdead

  1. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Howdy friends wanted to post a quick shipping update, All the ZX heater heads are built and 3 shelf bowls assembled, I still need to attach coils and finish packaging everything up, print stickers, and prepare everything for shipping. I sliced my finger open on something unrelated so I’m just...
  2. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    ZXXL's are just waiting for the wooden heater handle. Things are a bit further behind schedule as the ceramic parts just cleared Customs last week. I think there may have been a misunderstanding when I posted the ZXXL sneak peak that I had those parts in hand, but that photo is from the...
  3. invertedisdead


    Cool project friend 🤩 I just have to warn you that these corundum gemstones are quite susceptible to thermal shock and are rather easy to crack from direct torch heating or any sudden direct changes in temperature. That’s why gem vapes always buffer their heating through another material...
  4. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Lee's been wanting to review the ZX for a long time I just haven't had any extra inventory in forever. If there's any extras coming up here maybe I can set him up this time. Jumping to a ZX you'd probably use at least 50% less herb per session. Personal snapper bowls would make for a...
  5. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    That's how I used to order ZX's, but now shoppers have so many choices to pick from, there's less reason for me to buy as many of them. Plus everything is still 100% direct to consumer - I've talked with retailers, but none have ever placed an order; I've also yet to be invited on any podcasts...
  6. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Well I'm hoping the new quartz stuff is pretty compelling :D Plus I've been vaping more concentrates recently so my minds been wandering that direction again. Ceramics are stuck in customs right now, haven't been able to find out what the holdup is but I'm still waiting for clearance. Sorry...
  7. invertedisdead

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    ZX’s are available for preorder and almost ready to ship, they’re just currently stuck in Customs. 🙏
  8. invertedisdead

    Camouflet Convector XL

    It definitely reminds me of the PHASE3 ELEMENT but it seems pretty cool :wave:
  9. invertedisdead

    best tasting dry herb vaporisers according to you?

    One of the many unique design features of PHASE3 injectors is how they are built to replicate the function of diffusers by using an identical internal diameter from the heater all the way through the entirety of the bowl. So while they may share the familiar appearance of a typical injector, in...
  10. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Trying to get them sent out as fast as I can, I still haven't received the tracking number for the shipment yet so I'm not sure if they've actually been sent out yet, I just know the ceramics are finished. Appreciate everyone's patience and cooperation! Electronics are in, beads are in...
  11. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Greetings friend, I just posted yesterday or so in here that the ceramics were just finished after a series of manufacturing delays. Everything is very close to coming together now! If I haven’t responded to your email I haven’t seen it, gonna try and get caught up on those this morning 🙏
  12. invertedisdead

    The state of California is running the biggest cannabis racketeering ring in history

    All legal municipal operations require a granted state license issued by the State of California. The Department of Cannabis Control.
  13. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Super rare little piece of vaping history! Not sure how many of those are still left, that could potentially be the only remaining one!? :ninja:
  14. invertedisdead

    Dr Dabber Switch 2

    Can you describe how any percolator design at all could incorporate a directional change without subsequently introducing turbulence?
  15. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    That's a solid lineup for sure :rockon: I'll definitely try and post one when I'm back in California to mail these orders out, I don't currently have any 18MM glass with me right now in my small place! The cordless freedom is an enjoyable feeling, for me it sort of brings me back to my...
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