Recent content by inspiron

  1. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    Thanks man, I think I'll go with the solo also because I'll be able to use it more comfortably around people (appearance wise) and since I'll probably have to use the LB's PA all the time. Long drags are bad for me because my jaw locks until I exhale. Sounds like the Solo will be a good choice...
  2. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    If I understand correctly with the solo it's a harder but shorter draw and with the MFLB it's an easier but longer draw? I smoke a joint through this pipe filter in a glass tube. It restricts the airflow compared to a regular paper filter. Could you perhaps estimate which one of the two will be...
  3. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    I'm worried about the restricted air flow. I'm looking for something a lot easier than the ssv.
  4. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    Thanks :) I don't like the way the supreme work, I prefer an all in one unit the looks more stealth. I don't have the HA anymore. I didn't try the method the was mentioned but bags aren't convenient for me. Not sure which one to choose...
  5. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    Thanks guys! I should have said the easiest/shortest draw. I had the HA and inhaling a bag with a low vapes to air ratio is pretty hard plus it takes forever and I use MJ through out the day and in the middle of the night. The lotus isn't stealth enough for my tastes plus I'm not to keen about...
  6. I

    Short draw+high temp Vap?

    Hi, I'm currently using the SSV for medical cannabis but because I have pain in my jaw muscles the long draw really aggravates the pain so now I only use joints because of the short draw. I'm looking for a vaporizer with a very short draw and because I like to vape until the ABV is dark brown I...
  7. I

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hi guys, What's the best place to purchase the extreme Q from? (that ships internationally). I see them for around 170$ on ebay but I'm not sure if it's legit. Thanks :)
  8. I

    How to degrade THC?

    Hi, What's the best way to degrade the THC in a bud without degrading CBD? Thanks :)
  9. I

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks Max, I thought it was the new aluminium model but with all the different models I wanted to be sure. I use just one screen, the one with bigger holes.
  10. I

    Herb Grinders

    Actually the right one is a screen as well and the left has the bottom screwed on (this is why it's taller than the screen on the right).
  11. I

    Herb Grinders

    This is what I received: The color in reality is light aluminium. The seller says it's exactly the same as the 4pcs aluminium and that I just got an extra screen. What do you think?
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    Herb Grinders

    I got my grinder. I've purchased the 4pcs aluminium CC but received a 5pcs one: The 5pcs CC's don't have 'aluminium' in their descriptions so...
  13. I

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks Max! I've just ordered it :cool:
  14. I

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks Lo but I was looking for the CNC CC.
  15. I

    Herb Grinders

    Can someone please give me an ebay link to the CNC Chromium Crusher? Is it the one sold by 'liteup4less' for 16.99$ Or the one sold by 'merchants-wholesale' for 20.95$? (I thought the cnc model was 2.25") BTW, is the screen gauge OK on this one?
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