Recent content by Inquiry

  1. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Relatively safe, I guess that’s a better way of characterizing it. With combustion, I’m fairly certain of what I’m putting in my body. The smell from the nano just scared me and I started getting paranoid about inhaling some kind of electrical fumes. Then all that stuff about toxic cartridges...
  2. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It’s just a faint smell, not particularly offensive. Like a hair dryer as another user stated, and only when I stick my nose near it. I’ve never noticed a smell coming off my oven sheets. As Baron said, smell is pretty subjective, so maybe my characterization of it as a hair dryer is what...
  3. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yeah, I’m not sure that’s true. I’ve always erred on the side of caution and believed that if you’re smelling it you’re ingesting it to some degree. Does yours have a faint smell when hot?
  4. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I mean that the lowest settings such as anything below maybe three produces no heat. It never combusts anything even on higher settings. Just meant that I’ve stopped using the nano because of the odor and gone back to regular combustion where I can’t taste much of anything in contrast with...
  5. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I guess this wasn’t really the right vape for me. The very faint odor coming from the device once it’s heated has scared me off. Another guy said his had it too, but others say theirs doesn’t, so I guess it’s not normal. I would like to pretend it’s not there because taste isn’t affected in...
  6. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I feel like the user experience should be fairly uniform. If my nano is running at 5, shouldn’t it produce the same experience for another person running it at 5? I guess the guy talking about it expressing flavors is just trying to catch hints of flavors rather than a cloud of vapor. Seems like...
  7. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Now I’m really wondering if there’s something wrong with mine. No way could I get any vapor on 5. Is it visible on exhalation for you at that temp?
  8. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    That’s what I’ve been wondering. Is it just the metal heated? I can’t taste anything when I’ve tested it by taking draws without herb.
  9. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    No coloration, but hair dryer is a better description of the smell. Ugh. I’m getting too old for bong rips and straight tokes from the pipe. What’s your cleaning procedure? I’ll try that again
  10. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I’ve cleaned it. No luck. No odor with yours when it’s hot?
  11. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Maybe fallen onto carpet a few times. Only used for flower. Stored in my closet in a box. I usually turn it off when not in use, and most of the times I’ve left it running all night I’ve turned it way down. I know smell is very subjective, but the curling iron analogy is as close as I can come...
  12. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    About a year maybe two. So, it’s normal?
  13. I

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I have a question and I hope a couple people can chime in. IS IT NORMAL FOR THERE TO BE AN ODOR FROM THE E-NANO WHEN IT’s HEATED UP? It’s not a burning smell, but more like a heated curling iron or something. I can’t taste anything funny or strange when I hook the vape to my bong and inhale...
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