Recent content by Hookahz

  1. H

    Cooking With Vapor

    So I been extremely interested in making my first vapor brownies (since this is the main vapo recipe on the forums). Anyways I only have like 10g so far (i spilled alot on my floor :( ) and my AVB is dark brown. I want to make vapor brownies, but i've seen different scenarios from people who...
  2. H

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Wow looks like I have alot of vaping to do because i have all my "kilf"(each bowl was used twice then in the box) is thats what you call it. So pretty much the feeling of inhaling scented air is vaporizing, therefore correct?
  3. H

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Hey idk if its me but i feel like i am just getting air not so much vapor (noob at vaporing) Is there a way i can get thick balloon hits ( i saw the vapor page didnt understand) Here are my techniques so far 1) warm up 20 min 2) warm up bowl with substance 10 min 3) use fan 4) My grade is...
  4. H

    My first 2 weeks with my Extreme

    Well I finally got over my chest problems so I can have fun with my extreme. Everyone just loves it and can't believe vaporizers exist. I even called my unit R2D2 and put the controller behind my back and make it act like its voice activated (its funny messing with people) I got the temperature...
  5. H

    First vapor experience and question

    So i got the extreme from arizer and I couldnt wait to use it. Took me like 15 minutes to set it up. I set up a bag and just go to town. Lately I been having chest problems and I noticed it happens everytime i smoke. It feels like my heart is gonna explode. Well i was so messed up this...
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