Recent content by hankherer

  1. hankherer


    I don't find the water conditioning straight out of the Volcano to be favorable. Water bubbling over the Volcano makes me nervous about spillage too. I ended up using this as a bubbler for other devices. I added a 18mm to 14mm joint reducer and put it on my Solo II to use as a bubbler. It...
  2. hankherer

    Modded Flip Brick v2.

    I also find if you set it up like the Hydrobrick with a bubbler coming up it's easier because your technique from using the bigger Stickybricks translate. You can see your glass fill with vapor more easily which helps too. Tilted intake helps too but I prefer them clear. Again more visual cue
  3. hankherer

    Modded Flip Brick v2.

    awesome tips. gonna get drilling. storz n bickel dosing capsules fit in the stickybrick bowls. I like to use them to add a little conduction. it helps avoiding scorches or burns. also use just the lid of the dosing capsule but stick it on the top of the bowl on the intake piece.
  4. hankherer

    Shout out again to @Delta3DStudios.

    damn. thats a great tool. I used to use it for crumbly concentrates until it disappeared on me. the other one I like is the spoon with a 3 prong stir tool on the other side. all dope.
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