Recent content by Growinyourchron

  1. G

    What other herbs have you tried in your vaporizer?

    I was hoping you would reply to this threat herbgirl! Ive been reading alot of your posts since ive joined. I figured you of most people would know best what would go well in a vaporizer. Just from reading alot of your posts. And thanks Plotinus,ill have to check that out!
  2. G

    Hot Water Hits - Try this and report back your findings.......

    Yea a nice cold or warm drink after a hit is always nice. And pappy,you need to explain this! Dont just say nevermind :lol:
  3. G

    What other herbs have you tried in your vaporizer?

    Ive smoked salvia out of a tube once,it was probably the funniest experience of my life. The second time i did it i dont even remember what happened. I just know i didnt end up getting any that night :p
  4. G

    Hot Water Hits - Try this and report back your findings.......

    During? While taking a hit? You sir are talented! *Hats off*
  5. G

    What other herbs have you tried in your vaporizer?

    Im vaping the peppermint with a bit of bud right now. Its pretty good. Nice high with that added flavor of peppermint behind the taste of the bud
  6. G

    What other herbs have you tried in your vaporizer?

    So,i went to the Bulk barn here in the city and i bought a few grams or so of peppermint. Already ground up and stuff. Im not exactlly sure how much,but i got a decent amount for 40 cents! Now,my question is. Has anyone else tried peppermint in there vaporizer? If so,how did it work out and what...
  7. G

    Hot Water Hits - Try this and report back your findings.......

    This sounds amazing. Thanks to whoever started the thread! Def have to check this out for myself : )
  8. G

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Gettin vaped as i type! Bump ;o
  9. G

    Discontinued herbalAire

    Along side SETH_exp_x I'm also new to the forum. I've used a volcano and ive used the HA 2.1. My best investment i must say. It does a great job with any herb! Makes a mighty fine brown residue to. Good for cooking,like brownies and stuff
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