Recent content by Fierce1979

  1. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Oh wow, ok well I guess that's a good thing in that if you'd have said days I'd have been concerned. And did you totally cut out combustion? Like a clean break, cold turkey type thing? Case in point, filled up with what I'd call a generous Js worth, Ie 3/4 full. Been vaping whilst posting...
  2. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Ok cool, that's pretty much what I was doing. Just not feeling very much at all, and this is going to turn out to be violently expensive given the amount of plant I could get through! I've watched a few vids and they all, at the same temperature I'm at, with the same amount of product and the...
  3. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I'll give that a whirl How long is a typical session in your opinion? This is the first time (had it for a week) that I've ever vaped so all a bit new Also, the vaporiser itself, takes an eternity to get to the right temperature if not plugged in, this normal? Plugged in its rapid, unplugged...
  4. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Hello again I'm struggling to get the same level of 'enjoyment' from vaping as I got from smoking and just wondering if that's a common complaint, as everything I've read (admittedly from the 'pro vape' side) suggests that the experience is far greater in comparison I'm heating up to 365...
  5. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    So yeah, perhaps I was a tad hasty :D
  6. F

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Evening First post and it's a cracker How do I vape? :) Just got the Vapir no2. Heated it through for 20 mins Got it to the correct temperature, put my herbs in, closed it up, took a big toke: nothing. Nothing at all except a feint taste of the herbs. Nothing visible exhaled, no sensations...
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