Recent content by farf

  1. farf


    Hornbeam on the left and boxwood on the right. Both are very light in color but hornbeam is almost an ivory white in person with very light tan streaks of grain. Boxwood has a distinct yellow shade and more of a cream in the grain pattern.
  2. farf

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I'd been eyeing the Firewood series for a little while but always managed to put off buying one until I saw this beauty up for sale second hand. The wavy grain had me sold immediately. I personally love the FW7's form factor the best so this is an ideal unit for me. The performance is really...
  3. farf

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Happy Lotus Friday, everyone! Had a little drink with the session today and figured I'd make it a UV trifecta with the mood mat. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  4. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    I really like the wooden stems when I'm taking little sips and want to focus on flavor. The cooling stems are much better for bigger hits but they require more finesse. It's not as direct of a response as the straight shot stems.
  5. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    The color matching of the darker wood to the text/imagery on your toad is perfect! Great choice I think you'll really enjoy them; I certainly have been loving mine. One bit of warning: time your hits very carefully with these. They cool so efficiently I've combusted twice with them. They have...
  6. farf


    Totally understandable. I don't like the rattling either; it's one thing I'll concede that the screw down screen has a leg up on. I've personally never had an alignment issue with either the Zebrano 2.0 or the new click. Maybe yours is a little outside of the tolerances? Either way I hope you...
  7. farf


    While I can see the shakiness of the screen on posts as opposed to being screwed down tight being a bit annoying for people who are more obsessive over aesthetics like myself; I'm going to have to disagree and say the posts are an objective upgrade for the longevity of the device (especially if...
  8. farf


    A little hack I've found that helps keep the midsection cleaner is putting a finer mesh screen between the stainless midsection liner and the stainless screen of the vapman. It helps keep almost all of the organic material out so the only thing that collects in the midsection is resin. Make...
  9. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    The glass tubing is the same diameter as far as I can tell. I just tried the extra tubes he sent me for my poker and they all fit into the Toad airtight (some a tiny but looser or tighter but I'm guessing that's just manufacturing variation that's fractions of a mm). I think 14mm outer diameter...
  10. farf

    Want to Buy Nomads and Toads

    I know I'm not the first and I probably won't be the last however throw my name into the ring for people who want more of Dan's work. Looking especially for either iteration of the Nomad or specific Toads that have very distinct or prevalent artwork (trees, desert themes, or detailed drawing on...
  11. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    Happy to say that my personal Toad has finally arrived: #184. Works phenomenally with all the stems. Truly a work of art and a testament to how far craftsmanship can go when pushed to the absolute limit. If you're on the fence about getting one: do it. It's well worth the wait. I was on the...
  12. farf


    I sometimes have trouble finding the proper message so here's the instructions for the bicarbonate of soda cleaning from @Chicken No Name in case you have the same issues. I'm assuming the technique using mustard is the same deal but with a different cleaning medium. One more thing I would...
  13. farf


    I would give them a little extra time. As @186° mentioned above they really are just a two-man team putting all of this together. Having a launch right after the year's biggest sale has left them stretched thin. I'd give Inhale a few more days to iron out this launch's kinks and then shoot them...
  14. farf


    It has limited functionality but works. The light indicators don't function but it still receives heat from the post and you can use the click as your indicator. Also requires a little more fidgeting to position it properly. It works just fine! Might be a little awkward with the wok being a...
  15. farf


    Yes! The body dimensions are the same as the Italian made 2.0 models. It's all good! Let us know what you think. The pricing and new features make this the most introductory user-friendly Vapman ever released!
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