farf's latest activity

  • farf
    farf reacted to jbm's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Now THAT puts the wabi in the sabi. Well played.
  • farf
    farf replied to the thread Vapman.
    A little hack I've found that helps keep the midsection cleaner is putting a finer mesh screen between the stainless midsection liner...
  • farf
    farf reacted to fangorn's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    On this last day of the year, the good neurotic that I am, looked at his Vapman too closely.... it had been 3 weeks of daily use... i...
  • farf
    farf reacted to Pasoa2020's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    It’s here! More green than the blue in these pics (bad lighting) but love it!
  • farf
    farf reacted to CanikUser19's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    Man oh man, I have some playing around to do when I get home tomorrow. Need to check the fit with my poker stem and other 14mm glass. I...
  • farf
    farf reacted to CanikUser19's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    Are these @Tswoodenart stems custom for the Toad or the same size as the ones that come with the poker pipes he makes?
  • farf
    farf replied to the thread The Toad from Morwood.
    The glass tubing is the same diameter as far as I can tell. I just tried the extra tubes he sent me for my poker and they all fit into...
  • farf
    farf reacted to stonedBBer's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    Git a balx on my 2nd over attempt Sunday and now got a toad finally. Expensive but amazing week for my VAS
  • farf
    farf reacted to Falconflys's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    July of 2022 here and my name was drawn in this last drop, the one on x-mas day that we picked for.
  • farf
    farf reacted to NoodIes's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    Nice!! I was thinking about getting a stem or two from @Tswoodenart and you may have just convinced me
  • farf
    I know I'm not the first and I probably won't be the last however throw my name into the ring for people who want more of Dan's work...
  • farf
    farf reacted to yogie's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    I tried imgur and I get an error message. I'll update once I figure it out figured it out. Excuse the toilet pic. Kids are still awake...
  • farf
    farf reacted to viceroy420's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    combo i went with, can’t wait to get it all i assumed abalone was a stone but its fitting to have some mollusk in the button on...
  • farf
    farf reacted to NoodIes's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    The ancient herbal magic toad has arrived! This is the most beautiful object I've ever seen AND the nicest tasting, quickest heating...
  • farf
    farf reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    I wish you all a healthy, happy, and hopeful new year!
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