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  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to Shit Snacks's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Try starting little lower too if you haven't :tup:
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to TigoleBitties's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Just set my session presets to 338F, 348F, 358F. Might have to try even lower but liking this range right now. Really tasty sessions 👌
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to Petetbay's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    That’s such a waste. There are metal cap tubes or do what I do dump the used caps in a large concentrate silicone container. Mine hold...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to johnnyCanuck's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    By your definition, it is true on demand if you are willing to withdraw the stem from the Solo body once you are finished with your...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to vpr85's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Just got mine a few days ago, so still learning and playing around with all the settings, but I've found this thing is so versatile it's...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to TheScamericann's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    On demand mode if you want to take one big puff then put it down. If you want to have a short break inbetween puffs session mode works...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to Petetbay's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Haha Haha.
    It is the most open Arizer I’ve used, but not as open as say a Mighty. There’s restriction, but I find it just right. I have the S2...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to JCat's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Almost charged and ready to try for the first time :)
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to TheScamericann's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    The solo 3 is the king of vapes! Received mines on saturday and i haven't been able to put it down since. Effortless clouds, pure clean...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to ginolicious's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    That’s how I feel with my Firefly 2+. But I think I’m jumping on the solo 3 train.
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to R1ng0's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Each to their own i've always found the solo 2 to be hands down the best tasting vaporiser nothing touches it for taste in mvho
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to pxl_jockey's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Hell yeah, after reading through the thread and reviews elsewhere, getting this bad boy and joining the Solo 3 party!
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to electrokho82's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Hello, here is my first YouTube video review (the Solo 3) in English. I apologize for any mistakes, as English is not my native...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to vpr85's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Love Love.
    It's not silicone glue. Someone on reddit goes around accusing Arizer about using thermal paste based on an old teardown from Puffitup...
  • endof3d
    endof3d reacted to bulllee's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    I just started using my capsules from my Roffu. They fit i n the regular stems flush. I started at 428 just to see what would happen and...
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