Recent content by edamame

  1. edamame

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    Loving my glass stem :D my friend isn't really into vapes but he really likes using it too!
  2. edamame

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    I got my glass stem today. Staring at the box until I get to go home and try it out :uhoh:
  3. edamame

    Favorite Video Game?

    They can be really hit or miss for me... Depending on the game's complexity I may end up going absolutely nowhere. I really want to try playing some "bullet hell" shooters such as Mushihimesama Futari or ESP Galuda II for the 360 while vaped sometime, I figure the screen being filled with...
  4. edamame

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    been awhile since I had to wipe my own blood off the floor :( bump
  5. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Definitely a fun project, and personally I feel very attached to mine after putting it together :)
  6. edamame

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    I just got the second one from the left! :)
  7. edamame

    cool movies to watch vaped

    Ended up watching [REC] 2, WOW. The movie night with both movies back to back will be scheduled shortly. Haven't seen Chopper yet, but I've heard good things about it. I'll definitely have to get to Shutter soon too.
  8. edamame

    cool movies to watch vaped

    Taking a day off :D time to stay home and watch some movies. Trying to decide between the following: Bronson [REC]2 Sympathy for Lady Vengeance Shutter (original ver., based upon prev post)
  9. edamame

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    Hey CD, as a new PD Pandora owner I'd like to get added to the waiting list for the water filter. Thanks :)
  10. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Used it for the first time last night while I was working on the other two stems. Let me tell you, those two were way more fun to work on than the first :ko:
  11. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Ahh thanks! :D
  12. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    One other thing, is there a recommended method to apply the buzz butter? It seems to be too solid to use my fingers.
  13. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    From my experience last night, building the Pandora kit is fairly easy. Instructions/videos/pictures were well done and very helpful! I just wish I had something sharper to cut the crossbar. Oh, and my snap ring pliers were initially set up to do the opposite of what was needed, which made...
  14. edamame

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    If all goes well, I should be working on my Pandora kit tonight :D ...damn, this thing's smaller than I thought! :o
  15. edamame

    Pokey Sticks

    I got my DBV at a local headshop and it didn't have a pokey stick, I've just been using sewing needles :uhoh:
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