Duba's latest activity

  • Duba
    Duba reacted to Pasoa2020's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    It’s here! More green than the blue in these pics (bad lighting) but love it!
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to farf's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    Happy to say that my personal Toad has finally arrived: #184. Works phenomenally with all the stems. Truly a work of art and a...
  • Duba
    Duba replied to the thread Tornado by Vestratto.
    it's time to take stock. Mine is without appeal : the Tornado is the vaporizer of the year 2024. It proudly dethrones the Anvil, which...
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to PossumMD's post in the thread The Nomad From Morwood with Like Like.
    Any of us brave enough to send this thread to Dan? I ask cos a bit of people power might work hold some power here. Cos these grievances...
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    Greetings everyone, here is a photo of my Vapman world at home for family and friends...we enjoy this space many times a day....
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to Zuhdj's post in the thread The Nomad From Morwood with Like Like.
    Love seeing more of Dan's work going out but can we actually talk about stopping getting new toads for a bit so the people who ordered a...
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to Zuhdj's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    Love seeing more of Dan's work going out but can we talk about stopping getting new toads for a bit so the people who ordered a Nomad in...
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to viceroy420's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    combo i went with, can’t wait to get it all i assumed abalone was a stone but its fitting to have some mollusk in the button on...
  • Duba
    Duba replied to the thread The Toad from Morwood.
    awesome! congrats and enjoy.
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to NoodIes's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    The ancient herbal magic toad has arrived! This is the most beautiful object I've ever seen AND the nicest tasting, quickest heating...
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to 3drt's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Like Like.
    This Toad design made me feel nostalgic, so i asked for "Labyrinth" 😅 it was my most beloved, most worn out VHS when I was a child (I...
  • Duba
    Duba replied to the thread The Toad from Morwood.
    When your Toad has finally arrived :
  • Duba
    Duba reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Greetings, do not under estimate the high that the Vapman gives...it is unique and spiritual. You will experience a different more...
  • Duba
    Duba replied to the thread Vapman.
    it's my fault. After a little fall, my vapman wasn't straight anymore and, thinking it was because of that little rod, I fiddled with it...
  • Duba
    Duba replied to the thread Vapman.
    These thoughts on vapor production and effects are interesting. The Vapman has pleasant conduction effects, but to feel the effects...
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