Recent content by driesclothesfaster

  1. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I've had my MFLB for just over a year, and it's stopped working. No matter what variables with the ground material, or which battery I use, the thing just won't heat up. Its my favorite device for medication, (and possibly my favorite possession??) What should I do? I know there's a warranty...
  2. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Yeah, I didn't really wanna pay the shipping just for the tube... Guess I'll just do without.
  3. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Is there anyway to get replacements for the little accesories that come with the box? I soaked my small tube in alcohol and it's ruined, and I lost both those little rubber bands. I can't find any of the same size. Any way to replace these?
  4. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I know this has been answered before, but I can't find the answer: If the white caps fall off my brand new Eneloops (they were already coming off when I first peeled them) do I need to do anything about it, if I don't care cosmetically? And if I do have to fix it, can I just glue them back on...
  5. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    So I just soaked my small tube in a little cup of iso alcohol to get rid of the resin, and it came out looking different... There is like a white coating on the inside of the tube. Did I ruin it?
  6. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hmm, will we ever see custom engravings?
  7. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    A few questions: 1. I've had my unit for a while, and I'm very happy with it, however, I can't seem to get the visible vapor IN THE UNIT that some videos show. I get a little exhale vapor, but I don't get that swirling vapor coming out of the mouth hole at all. I'm using what I think are freshly...
  8. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Nope, but the MFLB instructions say "batteries may be left in the charger between sessions, provided that the charger remains plugged into the wall." So I guess I'm in the clear?
  9. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Sorry to be asking so many questions, especially because, to many of you, this one may seem like a dumb question, but can I keep my stock batteries in the stock battery charger all the time? They won't get 'overcharged' or anything? If not, is it OK to leave them in there over night if I'm...
  10. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I only have a Magic Flight, so I'm curious about what can be done with that... The website lists a bunch of different stuff, but I'm curious what people have actually tried.
  11. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I've had a flu since Monday, and my MFLB came in the mail on Tuesday, I wasn't even well enough to stay out of bed long enough to unpack/grind/learn/charge batteries until last night! But, last night, I couldn't sleep (head ache, awful pain in the legs) so I finally packed up a trench and used...
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