Dr. G's latest activity

  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Rmpl Stltskn's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    Here's my collection of random notes about the Vapman, my favorite portable. I've had one for over a year now and I'm pretty happy with...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to buddhaholic420's post in the thread Vapman with Haha Haha.
    Way to over priced. The i-inhale is the next gen vape to get. Screw vapman.
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    Congrats, you're gonna love it. @Comfortably Numb, take the plunge, you will never regret it! Looks like we'll be wise to save our $$...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Arawfish's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    I’ve been pulling my units out a lot more recently and I just gotta reiterate how incredible this little thing really is! So much...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to warren0728's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    my trio ... Vapman Classic (Olivewood, Italian), Vapman Pure (Kotibé, Fungi Special Edition, Italian), Vapman Classic OG (Walnut...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G replied to the thread Vapman.
    Greetings Everyone, There seems to be some new Vapman fans and users...when you get a chance and want to read about the history of the...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to budski's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    will the black legacypro be available for some time or dis-continued after new release?
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Radwin Bodnic's post in the thread Vapman with Wow Wow.
    The funnel is made of Aluminium. Al melting point is 660°C. Vapman torch temperature is about 1200°C. Please don't burn yourself with a...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G replied to the thread AirVape Legacy Pro.
    I get it....LOL. Well...that is exciting. I cannot wait. THANK YOU.
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Gary-Airvape's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Haha Haha.
    420... the national weed day :)
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G replied to the thread AirVape Legacy Pro.
    So...there is an event in April? I am so out of the loop. What event??? Please let me know. PLEASE....:)
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Gary-Airvape's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Steam punk is finished, yes. the new version is for the 420 event.
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G replied to the thread Vapman.
    That is how I feel. I love that I have to spend time with the Vapman. It is for me a complete ritual and when I do medicate it just...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Stu's post in the thread Vapman with Wow Wow.
    I checked on the history of the post and you are correct, he initially wrote "stupid question" in self-deprication. But by the time I...
  • Dr. G
    Dr. G reacted to Ripstar's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    I fill over my grinder and don't even use the funnel.
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