- Have a BNIB Crafty+ from a warranty replacement. Handful of new accessories including 2 extra cooling units (1 new, 1 original if you want the additional used one,) capsule caddy, OEM case, various gaskets.
- Very lightly used Legacy Pro. Used approx 6 times. Includes extra OEM battery...
Hi. I received a new unit back from S&B for an RMA claim. I'm considering selling it to put towards a Mighty.
When S&B shipped it back they sent an email that there was no need to register the new unit as they already did that in my account. If I sell or gift this Crafty+, will the new owner be...
Going to add one of these to the rotation. Late to this thread.
Are the Blue and Green one's the most recent versions? They run a bit hotter or were there other updates too?
Their recommendation to me was that a new body would fix my issues and they were mailing me a new one. That was Oct. 6th.
(In their defense I haven't checked the mail yet today.)
Evaluating some pre-owned GHB2's.
Have just 1 battery with a shiny wrap. Anyone recall recall how old a specific batch with a shiny wraps might be? The rest of what I own are all matte finish. Thx
Cool. Thanks for the info. I've owned a couple of OG versions of the Hopper in the past so I know it's a roll of the dice. The IO will be new to me. It's a reputable seller I'm familiar with so I'm confident it was working the day he mailed it at least!
Good question on the warranty...
Grabbing a pre-owned IO to take for a spin. It's coming with 5 batteries.
I know to be sure to look for tears in the wrap but, besides the GHB2 or GHB3 markings, is there anyway to tell the age (or quality) of the pre-owned batteries?
Cool, thanks.
Tbh I haven't looked at this upgrade option for a couple of years. Originally I thought there was a software upgrade plus larger holes in the permanent screen? Things definitely could have changed by now though. "Chat" definitely didn't have a clue.
Hey. Does anyone know if Firefly still offers the $30 upgrade from a FF2 to a FF2+? Can't seems to find it anywhere on their website and their customer service rep on chat seemed confused about it.
Hey. Received my Rogue today. Looking forward to taking it for a spin later tonight. I'm sure this has been asked before but couldn't find it in search.
Was wondering the pros and cons of using capsules with and/or without the silicone gasket/screen. In particular with glass stems, not the mp...
Back with one more question. Is the Pax 3 different performance wise over the 2? (Don't plan on using this particular device for concentrates.)
I'm definitely willing to pay the extra $50 (certainly like the additional colors) if there's some upgrades or a better experience overall. If...
That's good to hear on the differences. And while it was perhaps your review in this thread in particular that rekindled my interest in having a Pax around, I promise to not hold you personally responsible for my VAS @Jill NYC :)
Thanks for your input!
Hi. First time posting in the Pax thread. Have had quite a few portables over the years but nothing full conduction. Enjoyed reading the couple of pages here and it seems the folks that love their Pax 3 really love their Pax 3. The OG Pax was to be my first dry herb vape ever in 2016 and I was...
Was in need of a session vape so I decided to grab a Rogue bundle today. For session I've owned a Fury, Solo II, and both a Crafty and Mighty prior to this guy. Looking forward to it. Will post some initial impressions when it lands