Recent content by DeepWater

  1. D

    Discontinued Vapor Blunt

    right on berry boy ;) i would think opening the unit would void the warranty. you might want to ask your friend who you turned onto vaping for a piece of 130# mono fishing line to run through the chamber airway. it won't get it 100% clean but will clear any large obstructions. And it's...
  2. D

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    It's really not a plastic smell. more like flux or whatever they use to make the connections. And I wouldn't worry about that. the smell goes away after a dozens bowls. I bought one 2 weeks ago and love it. since then, 5 of my friends have bought them. All from Coupon codes for...
  3. D

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    So is that still good vapor burning off? Because this thing smokes for another 15 min after I finish a session.
  4. D

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Thanks for the offer on the screen. I have a bunch of replacements. and that was my first thought also. But i removed the screen and would still get vapor/smoke. So I left the unit on with nothing in it and turned up the heat. when I checked it again after the 20 min. time out. I fired it up...
  5. D

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I thought I'd ask the pro's here. My No2 is just over a week old. I've used it every night so far. it's been great up until this point. I set my temp to 360 now and with the chamber empty, at temp, it smokes. or at least i can see vapor or smoke coming out of the chamber. at first I thought it...
  6. D

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Pretty cool. and the hash doesn't drip down or clog the top screen? I would think you could keep the bottom screen in and just add the second one like you did.
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