Recent content by DaBuddhaReefer

  1. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    We'll all bring our own whip.
  2. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    Neither do I Senior xD. My DaBuddha weeps for yours.
  3. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    Lol so true. I look back up at some of my posts and laugh at how high I was typing those out. Things like this "However you however to have to draw quicker" make me laugh...... Time to vape 0.1
  4. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    So I scraped the vapor resin out of my wand and vaped it in Da Buddha. I did this without my hose, I just drew straight from the wand. I was afraid I would taint the tubing with a resin taste otherwise. Worked out really well. I had only ran 5.25 of herb through Da Buddha. I scraped out enough...
  5. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    The Nano looks freaken awesome! I almost got that instead of Da Buddha. It took me forever to choose xD. It does seem easier to vape more at lower temps. However its for sure possible to load it a 3rd of the way full and vape the way I describe. However you however to have to draw quicker, and...
  6. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    So I'm sorry for the double post, but I have an awesome question! I've been trying many different methods for getting good pulls from Da Buddha. I'm played around with very slow draws and low temps, very fast short draws at extreme temps, and everything in between. Well not everything xD but a I...
  7. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    Hells yeah man you can't beat that price!
  8. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    Awesome. Thanx for the feedback. I think I'm just gonna turn mine off when its not in use. I love the way this thing looks. I would take it over a SSV any day, and thats saying something.
  9. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    Can somebody tell me if its going to wear it out faster if I have it up to full whenever I have it on? I don't leave it on all the time, but when I have it on I've been using it at full blast. I may find a more preferable method in the future, but right now I like taking quick hits at this high...
  10. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    My new Buddha
  11. DaBuddhaReefer

    Da Buddha

    I just ordered my DaBuddha and I can't wait for it to get here! I live in Billings Montana and its coming from 7th Floor in Colorado so hopefully it'll be quick. More important I hope it shows up in awesome working order, which I am sure it will. I ordered the black one, was really tempted to...
  12. DaBuddhaReefer

    DaBuddha or E-Nano Epic Vaporizer

    Lol that is some funny stuff. Also sorry guys had I searched a little more in this forum I could of just used that topic. However despite the E-Nano using less herb I have decided to go with DaBuddha. For some reason managing the whip sounds easier to me then managing the glass tube and hitting...
  13. DaBuddhaReefer

    DaBuddha or E-Nano Epic Vaporizer

    Hello people. I am torn between the E-Nano, or the Da Buddha. I don't need a portable, I want to be able to get big hits. How much more bud does the Da Buddha use compared to the E-Nano? Which can you get bigger clouds from? The longer I can make my bud last the better, however I really like...
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