Recent content by dabselector

  1. dabselector

    Enail Base - Male or Female?

    When heated, glass and titanium expand at different rates. and cooling the glass narrows faster. So that if a drop of water gets around the joint, the glass will quickly narrow and the titanium will remain enlarged. And this is what will happen: I try to avoid female joints
  2. dabselector

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    perfect performance. cheap and top quality glass
  3. dabselector

    Multi-brand Vivant Alternate

    thing called vape band
  4. dabselector

    Multi-brand Vivant Alternate

    my way with water
  5. dabselector

    Cheaper alternative to nexus?

    i have 3 differnt clones. is my favorite you can choose and ask real pics from seller
  6. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    is a cheap miniNC clone
  7. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    hi! i got an evic primo 2, and a little disappointed. Maybe someone knows where in the latest arctic fox firmware i can change puff timeout? Also the 25STIMEOUT_MYEVIC_ENC.BIN firmware does not support Primo:\. This is necessary for good sessions with DC Gen2 atomizer.
  8. dabselector

    Multi-brand Vivant Alternate

    I'm pretty sure that the temperature is not important in this case. Some types of plastic crack because of essential oils. in e-liquid Vaping we have a list of tastes that destroy the polycarbonate tanks of atomizers. For example citrus cinnamon pineapple menthol ginger. It's funny when the...
  9. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    sorry, i forgot. is need to burn\torch the bottom screen to oxidize. it prevent short and TC work perfect. just same way if you use ss screen as wick in e-liquid atomizers i have problem with leakage because oil come into internal post thread
  10. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    i made an improvement that prevent leakage double layer on the bottom and double layer wrap around use any micron ss screen
  11. dabselector

    New Portable H Enail with built in glass bubbler by Green Light Vapes

    yes. work fine with tcr -245 like dt donuts. but you can work with nickel settings, just remove nail and find temp spot before ceramic rod glowing red
  12. dabselector

    Rx200!!!!! Help plz ASAP!!!!
  13. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    ChrisCT, is a $5 hydrator from FT dont take other models. only this work fine. also you need some silicone tips like...
  14. dabselector

    Divine Tribe atty's

    thanks Matt. nice and smooth vape. will order again
  15. dabselector

    Higher Cost Vaporizers Are They Worth It?

    Vaporbrothers 2.5 Currently at $1199
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